For a brief list of what I'm looking for(and by no means should these be the only things you put on your list):
FPS Optimizer
Any kind of mods that improve models, textures, environments, weather, etc
Vert good item, quest, and race mods
Function mods(such as unarmored skill fixes, and magic regen mods)
Any other mods any of you think are very useful
A mod to remove the level cap
Thanks for any help you guys can offer!
Also, if it matters;
I have Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon, with no extra patches, no mods, and no plugins currently installed. I'm running Windows 7. I had no install problems at all, and have played vannilla for several hours with no problems. I have a really powerful system, and my frame rate stays above 40 at all times, and goes up to 60 often.