where is the Asian stuff? and why is armour gender morphing

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:40 pm

how dare the armour imported from a different part of the world constantly change upon its arival :facepalm:

It's been 200 years. There is no reason the armor would be the same.
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carrie roche
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:52 pm

Blood for the blood god.....anyones?
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:01 am

HOLY CRAP NO, i hate everything asian styled always exaggeratedly ultrashinyhypermegapowerful. A few armors and weapons would be totally fine if they go realistic, nothing like your standard AsianMMO.
I'm not worried anyway because it is not Bethesda's thing and they know it doesn't fit.

Agreed. A katana here and there is fine but catering to fap-happy weeaboos to the point of making TES look like Final Fantasy rubbish is well, rubbish. You want giant shoulder pads and gender ambiguity, then play Dragon Age with all its angst-ridden nonsense. Although I agree with the earlier post about a new Jade Empire game. That would be awesome because its setting is specifically asian themed.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:50 pm

I don't care if armors morph a bit according to gender and body type, actually, I'd be disappointed if it didn't... but I don't want huge differences. The armors should basically be the same, but with different shapes and other minor changes.

I don't want clothing to morph to another piece of clothing depending on gender, but I want it to have a shape that fits.

Whether the armors are Asian inspired or not I don't care; as long as they look cool.
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:03 am

A ton of things in the ES world are influenced by and resemble Eastern culture, so the OP was wondering where it would be seen this time around.

i like you, you are smart. :thumbsup:

at the very least orcish stuff should be a samurai-mongol-chinese hybrid, and katanas/wakashi/tanto/naginata should be present in at least iron (i want a glass naginata thanks). some other oriental armour is cool but orcish is the most obvious. i also think nords should use more curved blades

i want one of those epic movie moments, where the samurai is standing ontop of a mountain, looking out at the horizon as his beard moves with the wind. then he shall descend the mountain in a cool mystical/exciting way and walk through a blizard as if it was a light breeze as the snow is locked within his beard. he will then defend a small village with only his katana against a small army of martial artists.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:04 am

Skyrim goes for a more earthbound Germanic/Scandinavian look from an artistic viewpoint.
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:37 am

I wasn't aware Asia was even on Nirn? I thought it was on Earth?
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:25 am

A woman can be sixy and intelligent and formidable at the same time... <_<

This is medieval fantasy, people. Men are usually buff and manly and women typically wear revealing garb even while doing battle. It isn't medieval history lesson 101. Its also not as though she was wearing a chainmail bikini with platform boots and fishnets... people are (once again) overreacting over this. I will be disappointed if my female AND male characters can't look at least somewhat sixy in some light armors and clothing, and I am a 21 year old female saying this, not a 14 year old boy. I don't play a game where dragon hunting is the focus and look for mind blowing realism... :rolleyes:

You make me proud to be of the same species as you.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:11 pm

I thought overall the armour I've seen looked really good. But saying that, the "Female Bandit Armour" was disappointing - having revealing armour kind of ruins immersion for me - why would you wear armour which leaves your chest bare? :confused: Saying that, I'm sure many people RPing a male "Conan-esque" character will go into battle topless :P As for the revealing armour, I just won't use it if I think it's ridiculous (although I don't think any of the armour we've seen so far goes too far); there's bound to be other sorts. As long as female characters are able to wear trousers without it morphing into a weird ankle length skirt, I'll be happy. :happy:
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:01 pm

I wasn't aware Asia was even on Nirn? I thought it was on Earth?

i wasn't aware that tamriel is europe with a different shape and catpeople
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:16 am

A woman can be sixy and intelligent and formidable at the same time... <_<

I completely agree. However, since this is a game that emphasises customization, or "be anyone, do anything", then ideally there should be options for this, just as there are for playstyle and race and facial features.

Ideally (I think), women should be able to equip near-identical versions of all standard male armour (maybe some alterations shape-wise) as well as most clothing. They should also have access to some racier varieties (for both genders). It's like a bust-slider, you know? It pleases everyone.

I know we're just judging from one sketch in the background of a short video, so we probably are overreacting. But for people who personally don't like the overtly sixy armour that female characters wear in most RPGs, it's hard not to hand-wring about it.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:23 am

More than whether there should be more 'Asian' influence on the armor styles, I want the Art Directing team to be more lore-conscious and to stick to it accordingly. It's great to add something fresh and new to it but to completely disown your own previously established setting diminishes the authenticity of the series somewhat.

With that said, I think I'm okay with what I've seen so far. The Orcish armor appears to keeping its eastern looks with a new style presentation. Still on the fence with the 'elven' armor though (here's hoping that it's not an Ayleid armor).

And by the way, I don't think I agree with the OP that the Orcish and Daedric armor looks too western in Oblivion. Orcish looks pretty eastern-influenced enough to me (even though the helmet had a little viking looks to it,) and the Daedric looks, well... it's Daedric? It definitely shares a only little to the one you find in Morrowind, but I can't seem to recall any western armors that looks like that gruesome pile of rustic metal (likewise, the Morrowind one doesn't screams eastern saves for the ornamental faces on its helmets).
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Connor Wing
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:03 pm

I dont like Asian art, in the form of Manga, Anime or anything in that department. That being said, I never really liked Akavir either.

Give me Lord of the Rings, Forgotten Realms, The Fionavar Tapestry.

-ANYTHING- but a super duper puff duff Asian-fantasy :goodjob:
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kevin ball
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:01 am

GI art video where the guy is drawing the statue, on the shelf above him next to a book called the Viking world, there is one called Samurai. I welcome this influence, the Nords are not Vikings, they are loosely based on them. Any influences that make the milieu less of a Viking beserker cliche is a good thing imho.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:40 am

I dont like Asian art, in the form of Manga, Anime or anything in that department. That being said, I never really liked Akavir either.

Give me Lord of the Rings, Forgotten Realms, The Fionavar Tapestry.

-ANYTHING- but a super duper puff duff Asian-fantasy :goodjob:

And I would ask you is the Orcish armor set in Morrowind not 'Asian' to you?

And Asian is not just Japanese, you know? Or Far-Eastern for that matter.
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:24 am

A woman can be sixy and intelligent and formidable at the same time... <_<

This is medieval fantasy, people. Men are usually buff and manly and women typically wear revealing garb even while doing battle. It isn't medieval history lesson 101. Its also not as though she was wearing a chainmail bikini with platform boots and fishnets... people are (once again) overreacting over this. I will be disappointed if my female AND male characters can't look at least somewhat sixy in some light armors and clothing, and I am a 21 year old female saying this, not a 14 year old boy. I don't play a game where dragon hunting is the focus and look for mind blowing realism... :rolleyes:

Why shouldn't it be medieval history lesson, as a matter of fact?
Because I *am* playing a game where dragon hunting is the focus and I *am* looking for realism - but within context and with limits.
And I highly value the immersion of having women intelligent enough to favor protection over skimpiness while doing battle.
Running around in sixy armor has no direct relation with the fantasy genre at all - it's just petty sixual lust.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:18 am

Why shouldn't it be medieval history lesson, as a matter of fact?
Because I *am* playing a game where dragon hunting is the focus and I *am* looking for realism - but within context and with limits.
And I highly value the immersion of having women intelligent enough to favor protection over skimpiness while doing battle.
Running around in sixy armor has no direct relation with the fantasy genre at all - it's just petty sixual lust.

Men have waged war due to sixual lust! There is nothing petty about it, boy/girl! Lust is a powerful thing that both corrupts and twists man and beast alike. Do not underestimate it's power. :P
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:24 pm

GI art video where the guy is drawing the statue, on the shelf above him next to a book called the Viking world, there is one called Samurai. I welcome this influence, the Nords are not Vikings, they are loosely based on them. Any influences that make the milieu less of a Viking beserker cliche is a good thing imho.


Regarding the gender morphing armor: well, I have nothing against it really, but I'd like to see skirts and pants are being treated as different layers of clothing.

And about the cleavage exposing armor: I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't defeating the purpose of using the armor in the first place. We can let it slide if such armor was meant for the silver tongued rogue types, but for typical bandits such exposure on their raiment doesn't seem the least bit wise. Yes, it's a fantasy setting, but while it is widely deemed acceptable to disregard the physical laws of nature here and there for such setting, is it just as fine to disregard common sense?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:07 am

@ OP.....how can you be concerned about the armour,it looks amazing.
I saw alot of negative comments on the forums yesterday ( which in my opinion ) were'nt justified.
There are certain things us fans have asked for. AND we've got some of these changes,there is also alot more to come ( people should remember that ).
We ask for better armour,and we get it,whats the problem?
Anyway thats my view,and you are entitled to your's :)
BUT look at the armour in oblivion,and then tell me that the armour in the new pic's doesn't look better.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:10 am

Who cares...?

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Jamie Lee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:37 pm

A woman can be sixy and intelligent and formidable at the same time... <_<

This is medieval fantasy, people. Men are usually buff and manly and women typically wear revealing garb even while doing battle. It isn't medieval history lesson 101. Its also not as though she was wearing a chainmail bikini with platform boots and fishnets... people are (once again) overreacting over this. I will be disappointed if my female AND male characters can't look at least somewhat sixy in some light armors and clothing, and I am a 21 year old female saying this, not a 14 year old boy. I don't play a game where dragon hunting is the focus and look for mind blowing realism... :rolleyes:

Wow, is that you in your avatar? Very beautiful you are.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:52 pm

@ OP.....how can you be concerned about the armour,it looks amazing.
I saw alot of negative comments on the forums yesterday ( which in my opinion ) were'nt justified.
There are certain things us fans have asked for. AND we've got some of these changes,there is also alot more to come ( people should remember that ).
We ask for better armour,and we get it,whats the problem?
Anyway thats my view,and you are entitled to your's :)
BUT look at the armour in oblivion,and then tell me that the armour in the new pic's doesn't look better.

YES, it looks better, but oblivion had crap looking armour i hate the concept art of the redguard with the rubbed out halberd and gold armour. the armour looks way over the top- ultra high fantasy crap. oh, and i consider morrowind of average fantasy because i can see logic in the landscape. the concept elven armour looks a bit odd being very western. from the screen of it ingame it looks cool but not "elven". orcish armour is very dark so i cant tell if its some kind of tolkien demon armour or a korean looking thing.

also- all of these sets look one piece. the way the pauldrons are on the armour tells me that we wont get seperate pauldrons, and we might even be stuck with a fallout armour system :cryvaultboy:

and how would the bandit outfit be (i dont think its armour, it looks like cloths), if the male version looks exactly like that but on a man then i am fine. if the dress disapears or other significant changes however i will be sad. and that redguard armour that i hate has metal boobs!
METAL BOOBS. imo tes should go for realisticly shaped armour made of fantasy materials.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:58 am

I was happy with how the armors looked. Elven armor is supposed to look a bit more unique and elegant. And it doesn't bother me that certain armors have less Asian/Akaviri influences. Nor the fact that the female version has a cleavage. It's a fantasy game not real life. Characters are supposed to be fantastic physically, mentally and spiritually.

Also keep in mind that this is all concept art... http://chorrol.com/files/142/ob_concept12B.jpg It's a concept, not the final model.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:39 pm

Why was that daedric not in the game? I assume time constraints. This is one of those little details that do actually change the game experience. If this was in OB, along with female versions of other armours (and I mean female armour, not necessarily Orcish lapdancing gear, ) my female Altmer characters would have worn armour instead of enchanted robes. Because they look sixier? No, because Male armours looked ridiculous on women.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:40 am

I clicked into this thread and I have one thing to say: GOOD GOD, MY EYES!!!

Please change the OP to normal text.
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