where is the Asian stuff? and why is armour gender morphing

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:19 am

Logic says there will be Asian Stuff in Skyrim. Every Elder Scrolls with no exceptions had Asian weapons and stuff, and chances are there will be some Asian inspired armor there. So the "Asian" part of the complaint is a bit rushed IMO

About the male/female armors. If making them change helps make them look better (which it does, since they look more designed for the gender that wears it) then I see no problem with it. Having two versions (male female) could work too, but there's little reason to do that. I

I'd prefer if armors changed so that they can be detailed for both genders, and (at least some) clothes didn't change. So skirts, trousers etc could be done with normal clothes if they can be worn over armor (Not that I expect any of this to happen..)
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:21 pm

Who cares...?
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George PUluse
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:04 am

Boobs are squishy. The last thing you want in a set of armor is a channel which guides an oncoming blade directly to the center of your chest. Armor should guide weapons away from your vitals.

That's why female version should not stupidly have a "cup" for each "boob" like metal coconuts, and instead have smooth curve over the bests - they are "squishy", but not a rubber balloon, they need space or it gets painful.

Personally I am disappointed with female "bandit" armor... I mean cleavage? Are they kidding? How long are we going to get that crap with female armor suddenly turning in to "sixyfied" version and show skin instead of protecting the char? An armor should look like an armor and act like en armor, if they want cleavage so badly add them to city NPCs who wear clothing, and not protective gear. This - "hey, a sixy woman - need to go kill her" stuff is certainly getting disturbing... :(
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:12 am

Look at the cover art for arena, the first TES game, and you will see a half naked woman. Lets face it, its a video game, women and men aren't treated the same in video games.
If you feel that women should look identical to men while wearing armor, mod it or find a mod for it, because the way Bethesda is behaving is the norm and it will be excepted as such.

The katanas that you saw in other games were an influence from akavir. Orcish armor has a helmet that looked slightly asian because of the metal piece on the front of it. And elves are not necessarily similar to asian culture. The dunmer are not asian at all, look at their clothes and architecture. Altmer don't have asian architecture if you read about them. The only reference you see that is potentialy asian are katanas, wakizashis, and tantos. And of course the armor and katanas used by the blades, which are nearly identical to the armor and weapons used by the invading akavir soldiers.

Asian culture once existed in TES, although not in game, because those were the people of akavir. Read up on akavir and you will see the Tsaesci killed all of the men. If you want Asian culture, mod it in, hope we visit akavir one day, or give up. Because asain culture just doesn't exist in TES.

Actually, the Dunmer have a pretty strong Asian influence; the Ashlanders, in particular, seem to have strong Mongolian and Turkish influences.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:49 am

:rolleyes: Jeez you people really have to make the smallest things a huge issue. Next thing you know, topics will be able silverware, and if there isn't a salad fork, that person will bust a nut.

Anywho, stop it with "make X asian," "why isn't Y asian," armor changing depending the gender, etc. Get it through your heads, each race is a giant compilation of x,y,z,a,b,c,d culture and people, along with armor and weapons. And armor morphing is just something you should live with. Makes my life a helluva lot more simple to have iron armor fit both male and female than having to buy iron armor tailored specifically to male orcs, or female bosmer. But I do agree that cleavage armor and metallic bikinis are not the way to go.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:19 pm

That's why female version should not stupidly have a "cup" for each "boob" like metal coconuts, and instead have smooth curve over the bests - they are "squishy", but not a rubber balloon, they need space or it gets painful.

Personally I am disappointed with female "bandit" armor... I mean cleavage? Are they kidding? How long are we going to get that crap with female armor suddenly turning in to "sixyfied" version and show skin instead of protecting the char? An armor should look like an armor and act like en armor, if they want cleavage so badly add them to city NPCs who wear clothing, and not protective gear. This - "hey, a sixy woman - need to go kill her" stuff is certainly getting disturbing... :(

Well... you could argue that a female "bandit" has to use more weapons than just those with blades, so they might purposefully dress that way. In general her outfit didn't appear to be on the protective side anyways, so my guess is that isn't the purpose of it. The other armor that is built for protection though does adequately cover the chest area, although I suppose we could get scientific about the best way to protect that chest, at least it is covered. In general, TES has NOT been that bad with this aspect, and the bandit armor is far from ridiculous IMO, it makes some sense to me.

secondly- judging by the pictures of the women wearing gold armour and the female bandit. i think armour will be gender morphing again- this saddens me. i want skirts for men and trousers for women- and i hate armour having boob cups.

Sure there will be some gender morphing, but I don't think pants will automatically turn into skirts for female players, since lots of female characters wear pants. Skirts, if separate from a dress, have a good chance of not morphing.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:46 pm

I'd prefer all armor to have a "Tam" look to them. While it's true many races and cultures are based off of Earth people groups and cultures (Such as Nord's old Scandinavian culture and approach) most of it isn't. I always felt the Imperials are also based off of the Roman Empire, but thats about the extent of Earth's inspiration in Tam.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:13 pm

The Orcish armor was one of my favorites actually, it looked more Chinese than Japanese to me.

I've always felt that Elven armor was inspired by helmschmied armor. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ellenm1/4299890116/lightbox/ :blush:

You have to keep in mind 200 YEARS have passed since the Oblivion Crisis! Technological* advancements have been made! :geek:

(Or magical it's never clear to me whether or not science/metallurgy exists independently from magic.) :geek:
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Angel Torres
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:43 am

Well... you could argue that a female "bandit" has to use more weapons than just those with blades, so they might purposefully dress that way. In general her outfit didn't appear to be on the protective side anyways, so my guess is that isn't the purpose of it. The other armor that is built for protection though does adequately cover the chest area, although I suppose we could get scientific about the best way to protect that chest, at least it is covered. In general, TES has NOT been that bad with this aspect, and the bandit armor is far from ridiculous IMO, it makes some sense to me.

It makes no sens to me - it's Skyrim, as in -40 cesium easy, so no kind of naked skin on anyone but berserker makes sense, and certainly not a woman flashing her tender bit in such a water. And w bandit that has to use her cleavage is called a prosttute :D The fact that there is a bandit in that weather in "non practical outfit", that will try to kill you, not "charm" the money out of your purse is plain stupid.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:22 am

Actually, Talon8Phenix, technology moves EXTREMELY slow in Tamriel. Hell, the 800 years of the 2nd through a good portion of the third didn't have any real technological advancements. Heck, it took a good 1000 or 2000 years to move from leathers to metallic armor since the formation of Mundus. Also, Arueil's Bow is still considered the hottest piece of firearms out there, and that was there during the creation of Mundus.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:12 am

:rolleyes: Jeez you people really have to make the smallest things a huge issue. Next thing you know, topics will be able silverware, and if there isn't a salad fork, that person will bust a nut.

This. I am sorry if you think armor shifting from male to female is strange. Yet somehow you don't think it's weird my big orc can wear the armor of a wood elf? As long as we're the same gender it's okay right? :glare: It's just not practical or fun in anyway to make the player have to go re-fit every piece of armor they find. I'm fairly certain if they implemented such a thing we would have far more complaints on this forum about that then what you are complaining about.

However! On the point of clothing I do agree that every pair of pants shouldn't automatically become a skirt when a female wears it and pants when a male wears it.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:17 am

Boob cups are awesome why not have them.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:01 am

Alright, lets get one thing straight about Nords here. They are not one bit remotely 'Asian' and they hopefully never will be. Nords are barbaric and brutal warriors, not stealthy ninja creeps. Besides that, why should they bring back armor looks from Morrowind if it exploded and Skyrim is a completely different province. Keep in mind Skyrim is almost completely on the other side of the world from Morrowind.
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:08 am

Personally I am disappointed with female "bandit" armor... I mean cleavage? Are they kidding? How long are we going to get that crap with female armor suddenly turning in to "sixyfied" version and show skin instead of protecting the char?

I wish I could say soon, but, sadly, no... though Morrowind was actually pretty good in that regard, so there is some hope, I suppose.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:41 am

What do you define as "Asian" then? What area, what culture? When we say "Asian", we think of the stereotypical oriental design but that's really not the case. You're thinking about Han dynasty fashion.

Besides, I look at the Orc's armor in the art video and all I can think is Mongolian influence, which is exactly the direction they should be going in with the orcs. As for the elves, I wouldn't imagine Asian fashion. Instead, I would see a more Eastern European / Roman look. And as others have said, each race is a combination of several cultures...so, in the end, you're getting what you bargained for.

Let's not forget the fricken BLADES, who are clearly inspired by Samurai.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:05 pm

Alright, lets get one thing straight about Nords here. They are not one bit remotely 'Asian' and they hopefully never will be. Nords are barbaric and brutal warriors, not stealthy ninja creeps. Besides that, why should they bring back armor looks from Morrowind if it exploded and Skyrim is a completely different province. Keep in mind Skyrim is almost completely on the other side of the world from Morrowind.

They are right next to each other.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:22 am

It makes no sens to me - it's Skyrim, as in -40 cesium easy, so no kind of naked skin on anyone but berserker makes sense, and certainly not a woman flashing her tender bit in such a water. And w bandit that has to use her cleavage is called a prosttute :D The fact that there is a bandit in that weather in "non practical outfit", that will try to kill you, not "charm" the money out of your purse is plain stupid.

Assuming she is somewhere in Skyrim that is freezing cold. There are parts that may be more hospitable, not to mention in-door areas. I also wasn't saying she has to use her... assets to necessarily rob people. I'm sure they come in handy with getting her way in Bandit Camp. Besides... its not about what "makes sense." If that was the case, than also the guys would have to bundle up. All the male costumes should be furry, and thick, but I guarantee you that they wont all be.

Now... if they make an armor that actually LOOKS like its suppose to keep you warm, and the female version of that has strategically cut out areas of it... then yes I will agree with you that that doesn't make sense at all. IMO though, this outfit does not seem overdone, although I would like to add that I hope there are more practical outfits for women too(which I believe there will be).

Keep in mind Skyrim is almost completely on the other side of the world from Morrowind.

TES Geography fail! Sorry... had to do that. :P
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:38 am

I wish I could say soon, but, sadly, no... though Morrowind was actually pretty good in that regard, so there is some hope, I suppose.

Well Morowind;d clothing and armor had no female version except for thous added in Bloodmoon, but thous where good - both changing enough four you to understand that you are looking at a woman, but not enough to make it a different armor. And the official "domina" while had high heals and distinctly fetish look still covered all the skin and was quite convincing for a light armor that someone may be wearing mostly in cities :)
So yep, it count as being better I guess, peaty Skyrim had to degrade form that.

Chimer_Warrior - a woman in criminal camp that uses her "asset"s ends up being used as a toy, not rubbing people on the roads, criminals are harsh people and don't look to please a woman usually, you are either dangerous enough to be reckoned with, or a pray. As for bandits in doors... Sorry, but aren't they supposed to rub people on the roads? As in every game we played so far? What, now they rob people in taverns? :D Won't be easy to hide form guards that way.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:35 pm

It may be interesting to see some non-Japanese Asian stuff. I don't know, like maybe some Chinese or Mongol inspired armor weapons and armor. Or maybe even Indian or Thai.

Sometimes I feel like people equate Asian with Japanese only.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:57 am

Let's not forget the fricken BLADES, who are clearly inspired by Samurai.

The main armor and helmet are practically the segmentata armor the Romans wore.

@Mitheledh, I agree, the biggest problem is when people say "Asian" they really mean "Japanese." What is nice is the orcish armor looks to be Mongol influenced, which is something I can get behind, as the orsimer have that feel to them, along with their armor.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:08 pm

. i am pretty sure altmer are supposed to be more asian (because they have katanas and kimonos)

No, thats the Akaviri.
All of the asian influence is on the Akavir continent.

I don't like Asian armors, their fugly.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:51 pm

The main armor and helmet are practically the segmentata armor the Romans wore.

That isn't what I meant. Spiritually, mentally, the Blades derive their sacred code from the same code of honor of the Samurai. In the same mindset as the Jedi, whom Lucas based on the Samurai.

...and they have katanas.
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CSar L
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:52 pm

I actually loved the look of the armor.. Oh well, at least I'll be happy.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:32 am

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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:37 am

The main armor and helmet are practically the segmentata armor the Romans wore.

But the Blades armor/weapons are based off of Akaviri armor/weapons, so there is definitely Asian influence in there.

No, thats the Akaviri.
All of the asian influence is on the Akavir continent.

The Orsimer have a wee bit o' Asian influence as well.
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