i had to make that big because people aren't reading it before posting and rant about something that has nothing to do about the thread.
in morrowind i loved that daedric/orish samurai look . in oblivion they scraqed that and everything was western. orcish,elven and daedric SHOULD look asian (or at least not western) judging by the pics of the orcish and elvish armour i think they are a little over the top. i cant realy see orcish because its too dark. but its either Asian or some demonic looking armour worn by a Tolkien inspired orc . elven looks too western. i am pretty sure altmer are supposed to be more asian (because they have katanas and kimonos)
secondly- judging by the pictures of the women wearing gold armour and the female bandit. i think armour will be gender morphing again- this saddens me. i want skirts for men and trousers for women- and i hate armour having boob cups.
asian cultures in tamriel
dumner (right next to skyrim, although a bit mixed)
orsimer (also very close, somewhere between japanese and mongolian)
aldmer or whatever the old elves were (those guys were IN skyrim, so they have stuff lying around)
high rock and hammerfell also had lots of stuff hanging around. i am also led to believe argonia and elsywere are asian styled
asian stuff has been around since arena. why is it that it it assumed by some (non lore informed) people that all of tamriel will have purely western designs? skyrim has a lot of immigration, skyrim was also conquered by the first elves so some of their stuff should remain. while another continent has INFLUENCED tamriel in asian stuff, tamriel does have its own asian stuff. oh, and here we are talking about real samurai/mongol/chinese warrior/saracen warrior/ rest of asia stuff. we arent talking about stylized armour of ridiculous proportions that you would see in an mmo.