I've been away all week so it would be greatly appreciated if someone could post links to all the week's info. Thanks fellow Elderholics :tes:
That lists all that we know about TES V, with new info in red at the top (it was last updated 3 days ago on the 18th).
Two sites that I find very nice for recent Skyrim info are http://gamerant.com/tag/skyrim/ (gamerant) and http://theskyrimblog.com/ Read the articles on those sites posted since the 18th for all the newest stuff.
You also may want to read http://www.g4tv.com/games/xbox-360/64714/the-elder-scrolls-5-skyrim/articles/74266/the-elder-scrolls-5-first-look-preview-part-1-welcome-to-skyrim/ It's a nice article written by a reporter that saw the Skyrim demo. No real 'new' info, but it gives a great feel for what the game will be like.