"WIP" includes planning, setting up a crew, writing dialog, writing quests, making meshes. Therefor a modding forum is needed so that the modders can think their ideas through. 11 months planning should give very thought out mods. Also inspire other modders. In 3 weeks or so we will have pictures and maybe even a video, a modding forum should be up by then in my opinion.
First off, we don't know if we will be getting a Construction Set this time around. We also don't know if we will have an exporter for models, and we know nothing about the meshes themselves. Dialog writing depends largely on the system they use for dialog (how topics are set up, length restrictions, etc.) so we can't do that, either. As for a team, most teams dissolve within 11 months while modding, I doubt any team will survive 11 months of sitting around and waiting for the game. Outside of basic planing, which anyone who wants to mod Skyrim strait away can do without a dedicated forum, anything done now is a gamble at best.
This is coming from someone who plans to mod Skyrim as soon as its out, by the way. A new forum is simply not appropriate or useful for anything besides uninformed requests at this time.