Where do you find CROPS to plant?

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:24 am

I am trying to set up my first settlement in Sanctuary and can't seem to find any crops to plant. Do I have to leave the area or am I just missing the crops that are already in Sanctuary?

I really want to start a garden - but can't seem to find anything on WHERE to find them to even start.


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casey macmillan
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:35 pm

In back of the building with the workbench there are some melons and squash gourds you can pick then replant. Also, if you head Southwest a bit to Abernathy farm, there are tatos you can pick and plant.

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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:49 am

In the fenced garden behind the yellow house, you'll find some melons and gourds. You can harvest and replant more of those (be sure to assign a settler to farm them, one for every 12 plants which produces 6 food total, for all crops except mutfruit which is 1 plant for 1 food), until you find more crops. As you visit more settlements you will find more planted, and sometimes you'll also find an occasional crop from bodies you loot or storage areas at other locations. But you can start with the melons and gourds just to get on your feet (although other crops are more valuable later, you'll find them eventually)
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:54 am

also behind one of the houses in santuary theres 2 wild mutfruit plants or was on my play thrus.

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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:09 am

Any of the fruit and vegies are plantable...just make sure you do two things - assign someone to them to tend for them (they show red in the construction menu, then green after they've had someone assigned); second, don't make my mistake and plant a zillion carrots instead of a mix.

I planted so many carrots that my food reserves are lots and lots and lots of carrots, and nothing else :(

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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:37 am

Yes it takes time and exploration. The best hands down crop to get your hands on is Mutfruit.. Not the wild variety. These provide 1 food unit per plant rather then the .5 unit other plants provide. So this is my staple colony starter crop. You will need other crops to make Starch / adhesive with later as its a component you frequently need for upgrades to weapons armor. Settlers only man so many plants per person. So growing a good crop of Mutfruit will boost food output fastest.

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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:27 am

As you explore you will find more farms and you can usually trade for or harvest crops from them. I use the nut fruit for everything now as they don't look silly in the scrubby ground and you only need half as many for the same amount of food.

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Jessica Nash
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:52 pm

If you are just starting out do not worry about it. Sanctuary has all it needs to get by at the beginning. But as others have posted above you want mutfruit. Plant mutfruit first as it will feed your settlement. I will not tell you where to get it easily as I do not want to spoil anything for you, provided you are a new player, but should you ever hear about a settlement run by robots you might want to check it out.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:58 am

THANK YOU ALL! I guess I just missed the plants and will now look where you suggested.

How do you assign someone to watch them?

Yes I am new to this game - I have played all of the other Fallout games - but this is the first one to have the building and crops. I look forward to trying this aspect of the game - so different!

Thanks again!

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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:44 am

Assigning settlers is done in the construction menu....when in there, look at the settler, they will highlight, then wander over to your plant, and highlight it, then hit 'e' to assign - you will get a little notice at top right saying it's assigned, and the little man on the resource panel changes from red to green.

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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 10:42 pm

You can find all sorts of fruits/veggies in the wasteland in containers and growing in the wild, you can then plant them through workshop mode. To assign a settler select them in workshop mode and then click the assign button (it'll show which one is assign) and then click the thing you want them doing, whether it's manning a post, scavenging, or tending crops. Settlers will work on a number of plants as long as they are close together automatically so once you assign it to one you don't need to assign to another nearby, just mouse over the crop and if the man is green it's being worked by someone.

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:50 pm

Thanks Gungho - I am still gathering resources - have not tried the construction yet - guess that is pretty obvious LOL

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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:20 pm

Mappam; when you begin construction there are a few not-so-obvious options so take your time, save beforehand, and try a few things so you can see how they work. I truly envy your experience as I ruined it for myself. Do yourself a favor and try to figure out most things for yourself. Stay away from wiki's, forums, and such. Two major plot points were ruined for me due to my looking around early on.

Don't be me :)

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Jason King
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:10 am

LOL KMFDM - I do try to do things on my own until I start to get frustrated - then I seek answers or at least hints. Thanks for the warning though - I appreciate it!

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:31 am

You'll also find crops on dead settlers you find in the wild and raiders you kill. I've found them inside of coolers in buildings. You'll be surprised how many plants you end up with after a while.

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Eve Booker
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Post » Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:43 pm

After your first partial play trough, you learn pretty quick where to dash off to get all the good crops to plant right away (tatos , mut fruit, and corn (because those 3 make adhesive). Won't spoil anything - just say within easy run distance of Sanctuary is a farm you can pick a ton of tatos, and while not a short journey - not a long one either - a level 1 char can easily make it to another farm to get all the mut fruit and corn you need/

The slower, but easier way, is just spend a few caps with the first merchant you run into. Likely trashcan carla. She has every now and then a few plantable seeds. All you need is 1 if you want to take the time. Plant, harvest, now you have 2 plants - harvest for 2 seeds, now you have 4 plants, etc.

Personally, other than for cosmetic and aesthetic view, there is no real reason to plant anything other than the 3 plants above, since those are what make adhesives.

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