» Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:15 am
I have all the houses apart from Riften but here are my findings:
Whiterun - Very basic, my display racks dont work and there isnt much room to display spoils and rewards
Solitude - Intricate, Very big and set over three floors - far too much random crap around and it looks untidy. Im going to have to clear everything out and throw it into the street before i can start storing all the goodies i have. Also a shame the only good places to display stuff are in the basemant which is crowded.
Markarth - Great House! Probably the best looking with great amounts of storage and display areas. Most of the items in the house - cups plates etc look good and makes it homely.
WIndhelm - Best house, In My Opinion. I am a little biased as I'm a Stormcloak but it is massive! Downstairs in a secret room you have you Enchanting and Alchemy tables, at the top of the stairs you have 3 manequins loads of plaques to display weapons and shield racks. Also weapons racks that work and it just looks awesome
On Topic - My opinion for the best house is Windhelm due to the amount of space, storage and display areas
(Altmer Mage, Hoarder)