I am just now delving back into Neverwinter Nights. The classics never die. I really did miss the good old class systems.
THIS! can't wait.
My first fall to game when I'm needing a vacation from Skyrim is anything Mass Effect. That or Dragon Age.
haha FTW
Same here, I'm really hoping that GTA V will be the game to break my Skyrim addiction as since release it's pretty much the only game I've played.
One or more from the following:
Paper Mario Series
Tales Series
Thief Series
Legend of Zelda Series
MOTHER Series(special occasions only)
Practically any game from my childhood that I tend to play annually or bi-annually.
Oh, and I guess you can say new releases are like a spontaneous vacation. I'm about to get into Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs once the eleven or so hours for its release are over.
Left for Dead!
Which is to say, The Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania, since that's where part of the game is staged.
Recently had a vacation in Castle Cousland. Didn't end well, but you can't expect politics to always be nice. Sad that most of my stuff was stolen though, by some young pup who barged into my room and took everything I had. But he was clad in armor and wielded both sword and shield, so what could I do? And at least he killed those perky invaders who tried to kill me. I suppose he took my stuff as payment. Bloody sellsword that one, mark my words!
I mostly play Fallout New Vegas, any Half Life game and Left 4 Dead if Skyrim gets boring.
Usually play Fable 2 when I am fed up with Skyrim. It is a bit simpler but faster paced and the combat is more fun. If I am fed up from both of those games, I usually play Prototype or any of the Halo games.
One good thing I can say about Skyrim is that even when you stop playing it for a few weeks and come back to it, it feels like a brand new game.
Mount&Blade; Warband is my most common break from Skyrim but I also spend some time each year with Morrowind and Gothic2. I've tried some new games like BioShock Infinite and TombRaider but I can't get into them.
I know the feels.
Recently been taking a nice long vacation in...San Andreas, 1992.
GTA 5 is basically the same as San Andreas minus the cool gangsta vibe, good music of the time, and rolling up with a bus full of homies. It will be good with the newer engine and graphics but I feel that it was weak to touch upon San Andreas.
If they want to go back then they should remake Vice City with the same VA and everything updated with new graphics and game engine...that would be amazing imo.
From what I've seen from franklin's side of the story he's going to be doing his fair share of gang banging (putting In work in the hood) for Grove street so I think that aspect from san andreas will be intact. They'll most likely revisit vice city come GTA 6 I would assume but I really would prefer a new location by then. Although I do admit that nothing can come close to the awesomeness of early 90s alternative rock/gangsta rap though.
Currently holidaying in Skyrim from Mass Effect.
Like all good holidays I don't want to go home.
I hit my garage gym for some kung fu, yoga, CrossFit workouts. Sometimes, I have "quality time" with my hot wife. As far as what other games I play when I need a break from Skyrim its always either online chess or Modern Warfare 2.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Modern Warfare 2. FFA only, I dont do the kiddie games like S&D.
Exactly, you can't beat the music or the feel of San Andreas so it was a poor choice imo to touch upon that game unless you were going to clone it and make it fresh (like my Vice City idea). I agree that they should go somewhere new, namely somewhere outside of America.
This both intrigues and worries me as it reminds me of the tedious task of driving to the country in San Andreas which felt like forever in real time...being bigger then that game will make it that much more tiresome for those long drives across the map. At least in Red Dead there was random entertainment along the way to break up the monotony but I don't think a random damsel in distress or bandit fits in with the modern GTA theme. What would break up a long road trip, stopping to help a woman with a flat tire then shooting her in the head and taking her car? Actually that does sounds mildly fun
The trucking missions aren't returning are they? Dear god the thought of them makes me shiver