The lack of sun, the blinding snow, the slush, the frozen fingers from walking outside for 20 minutes, the frozen nose, ears, skin in general.
You itch like crazy after you're cold for a long time.
Of course, this is a video game, so I'll be able to streak on the mountain peaks of Skyrim without many repercussions. And run around freely without being blinded.
Some people actually become temporarily blinded or have permanent damage to their eyes because snow is so shiny. Of course, that'd have to be hours of exposure, it's not like everybody's trekking across a whole entire snow-covered country looking for things to do while not having to worry about freezing...
Oh waiiiit.

But really, rather it be Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Black Marsh, Morrowind, Cyrodiil, Summerset Isles, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Akavir, or Aldmeris, I'm gonna be getting the game.
And snow isn't that bad, I'm just cold. It's fun to pack into snowmen... until you get snow in your gloves or boots... then it melts and freezes... :mellow:
Winter gets old after three days.