I haven't been able to play because of issues with DLC, but I last saved at Cracked Tusk Keep with a wonderful view of a Falkreath Watchtower. So that's where my sixy Orc is at the moment.
What about you?

My character is wandering through the Forgotten Vale, exploring its beauty.
Nice idea
Llerethis is in Broken Tower Redoubt, where she just killed two Forsworn (one literally on top of the other...) with Ice Spikes. She's accompanied by her wife Jenassa (complete with new look - see the screenshot thread), her new friend (and suspected half-sister) Borgakh, and a young man named Erik who she helped on his way to becoming an adventurer much earlier in her own journey, and they're in the ruin to rescue a
Near Riften, heading to the market to unload a boatload of loot.
Just saved at Winstad Manor after dropping off some weapons and armor. Said hi to my wife and am now in the process of
Devarri just went to sleep for the night in Neloth's mushroom. Right now, Ulburf is chasing down giants as a werewolf.
Loreius farm, about to help a stranded jester. Should he? Maybe not.
My Orc Barbarian is currently in Breezehome behind the suffocating walls of Whiterun adding his latest find to his collection of impressive greatswords. After that he's back out for the open steppe and high adventure.
Mowhawk Muscle Bosmer:
Hard at work at his forge in Heljarchen Hall.
By the end of the week he'll finally have a completed set of Dragonbone armor. For display purposes, mostly. His Ebony armor suits him just fine.
Junkie Altmer:
In his underwear inside Helgen Keep, waiting to start his adventures.
Icebergs off the coast of Northshore Landing, there's a tasty stalhrim deposit that Ishkibal wants to get her mits on.
Haha thanks I'm very flattered I earned your vote
by the way, I didn't mention http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3298065837655726798/DDED6A49FA1E7CA90877C324057A81181640949B/...
He was last seen warming himself by the big fire in Dragonsreach last night...once his old bones are good and warm then he'll probably punch Farengars face in
don't you just love going beast on the great beasts of the land?
ha what's he waiting for?
Absolutely nowhere, because my ps3 doesn't work properly. Therefore I'm unable to play Skyrim. Sadface.
Guess I gotta wait untill sometime this year when I'll get a more proper pc.
Grob is at Mor Khazgur working with Sharamph and Shuftharz to perfect his poisons and fine tune his armor. He may leave Borghak the Steel Heart behind on his next outing. He plans to use some of those strange scrolls he has been finding, and doesn't want her to get hurt.
My character is currently at Fort Dawnguard. He's taking a break from adventuring with Serana.
http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/Trace9569/20140324_183849.jpg?t=1395711153 in Falkreath Hold where she used the Arcane Enchanter to disenchant a couple item's.
http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/Trace9569/20140310_174138.jpg is still drinking at the Honeybrew Meadery ( and maybe for awhile)
http://i1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh611/Trace9569/20140202_173058.jpg is sitting in the Library at the CoW. ( I should get a better pic, she's Arch-mage now)
I have a few other characters, but they haven only made it to Riverwood.
Falkreath. The dark elf has finally decided to build a home so he's attempting to get that ball rolling. Somehow, he had a small bounty in the hold. His intent, when he returned to Skyrim from Solstheim, was to obtain an item for a mage on the island and then quickly return. However, as with most of my characters, he has ADD and can't stay on task without something new grabbing his attention.