I think this is why she reminds me so much of Veronica.
"Oh, I hear Veronica's just stepped on another landmine." :rolleyes:
now seems to have become:
"Oh, I hear Lydia's just stepped on that trap I was trying to manoeuvre her around." :rolleyes:
It might even be funny if half the time she didn't hurt me as well by walking into a trap that I dodged.
I killed her once by accident in that same dungeon. We had gotten separated, I entered the next room, avoided the pressure plate that triggered the spikes that came shooting out of the wall, and moved forward. She comes running up behind, hits the trap and gets knocked down to near zero health, causing me to spin around and hit her with a dual-wielded Flames shot before I realized she wasn't some Draugr that was sneaking up behind me.
I toyed with the thought of just leaving her there, but then I would have had to come back and haul all the crap she was carrying back home myself, and she was nearly full. So I reloaded ...