first, a hybrid character that will be my test character and "main character"
then a Mage who will do the mage's guild (whatever) questline
I think of all my characters in the same world, like in OB while my main character is doing the OB, my mage would be doing the quests for the Mage's Guild.
If you're implying that this thread is a copy of yours then I would say you're wrong. You're asking which class are you most looking forward to. This thread is asking which classes you will play during your first two play throughs.
If you're implying that this thread is a copy of yours then I would say you're wrong. You're asking which class are you most looking forward to. This thread is asking which classes you will play during your first two play throughs.
I'm looking forward to the warrior class, but I'm going to play a thief.
1st playthrough a ranger/scout type so a warrior/rogue hybrid 2nd playthrough a nightblade type so a rogue/mage hybrid After that whatever takes my fancy
First mage, except conjuration, for my Healer/Alchemist, which is her profession she is just starting out in, not her class. Second mage again, all out master of destruction, just because.