what planet your from, SPEAK alien scum

, you think your so clever hiding amongst humans ehhh!!
crap I also ate the purple mushroom

BOGAGAGAG *runs on the street naked*
I like running naked on the streets too, let's hope we do NOT meet (unless you're hot lady, then I'm fine

I agree with the Thief comment, actually there is a mod or two that adds tactical arrows to O, so u have water arrows to put lights out, toxic arrows or whatever they're called, oil arrows, etc... The only real thing that was lacking in O in terms of Stealth was traps. How come you're a weak Thief who does NOT set traps? This must be in... (dont know if some mod adds this fine?)
Combat is not something I am dying to see improved, in terms of animations, as I play characters that do not engage in melee often. The animations seem fine enough by me, my concern is mainly that regardles of what you choose, you end up doing the same damage more or less. As I posted on another thread ages ago, a Daedric dagger does 19 dmg at 1,4 speed, and Sneaking gets you 6x that =
114. The 'dreaded' Daedric Claymore does 26 dmg at 0,8 speed and can be 'power attacked' for x 2,5 =
65. That HAS TO GO (yes you can do multiple power attacks in front of a target and only 1 or 2 sneaks, nevertheless - u get the point).
And Magic... I do not know, just do not make the only benefit of rising in skill levels that they are much cheaper (in fact make them somewhat cheaper but more powerful, as I said). I'm fine with the animations too, hell, I just want the stuff to make sense, I am not longing for the coolest looking [censored], if u know what I mean.