Hey guys,
I was just wondering which of the two following forest biomes you guys like the most? Pine forest (The area around Riverwood, and Falkreath) or Autumn forest (The area around Riften, in The Rift). I'm trying to decide what to make part of my map. My land is devided into a lower part, and a higher 'shelf'. The lower part will aready be pine forest for sure, the upper part is what's in question. So should it be Autumn in one part, then Pine in the other, or entirely pine? (Making it one vast solid pine forest)
As I wander ingame I find a really beautiful area in one of them, and go "This is it, I'll certainly make it this one." only to find an equally breathtaking area in the other type of area... I honestly change my mind every day.
So, which one do you guys like more? (Justify vote with a post if you don't mind)
Pine forest: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/614968789495131514/B89719C2A3D3BD2FC16FFEA59B12017BF35C2C47/
Autumn forest: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/612717879340228851/C72F8AD834CEB01C943E346C12560AE32BC034C0/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/612717879340258459/BF618DE471B758EBD082E9D83741233E99142BB9/
Alexander J. Velicky