but they havent dont it like that, i mean Fallout 3 maybe wasnt as good as F1 or F2 story wise but the whole idea on it was nice, it make sence that VATS wasnt just test on one facility, plus all the turn around about the Brotherhood was nice, caring more for the ppl that the tec. Right now there are any reason from Betsh that tell me that they arent fallowing the lore or adapting to it.
u can argue about the new Skill sistem, it a way to improve it to me, and feel a little more realistic.
from the story wise i feel the game at least till F3 or NV was good, isnt the best story wise, but F1 or F2 wasnt either.
humor yeah maybe they can use more, but they said they adress that.
Like i said early for me Betsh are doing a exelent job with Fallout. Evrery game they come out wiht ES or Dishonor are good, the stories are good and the gameplay are good. Fallout isnt the diferent.