Airships are a bad idea in a setting littered with rocket launchers and nuclear rifles.
Airships are a bad idea in a setting littered with rocket launchers and nuclear rifles.
I don't see the brutal, totalitarian, war mongering, slave driving, interment camp pitching, MwBoS, who beat The Calculator, just giving up and moving away because of some idiots in football gear, the NCR could easily end if they just dropped a mini-nuke on The Fort, using one of their many vertibirds, come around.
Irony is thick here.
What does that have to do with anything being discussed so far? No one was debating that that there was another BoS in the midwest, only that airships are not MwBoS exclusive, only that they are, in fact, WCBoS exclusive
You are misinterpreting that comment by Veronica.
The civil war mentioned by Veronica was the Outcast split. The Lyons BoS hadn't had contact with the west for years. Veronica could only know the dissenting faction leaving, as thats around the time all contact with the west was lost.
It is supposed to be [seen that way]... Not that I agree that it is.
How can they be WCBos exclusive? It's a balloon.
I think its a far cry to assume "airships = Midwestern BOS."
That to me is overthinking it. Bethesda probably just took the idea of airships from Tactics, not dissimilar to how they obviously took design inspiration for the Fallout 3 Enclave armor from the Midwestern Brotherhood's PA. To suggest that it has to be the MWBOS because of the presence of airships is pretty silly IMO.
We know a few things:
-Arthurian references, which were clearly more present in Lyons BOS than in any other BOS chapter.
-Vertibirds, which which would make little to no sense for the MWBOS to have. But obviously the Eastern chapter just fell into a windfall of them.
-Geographical proximity of Lyons compared to the Midwest.
-A general likelyhood that Bethesda is going to continue their storyline from F3 in some regard.
Plus thus far our references to the MWBOS have been minor if best. Lyons couldn't find them and Caesar only barely hints at possible skirmishes (although its questionable if he's even referring to the MWBOS). For the Midwest to suddenly send a large fleet of vertibirds and a massive airship across the continent surely implies a cross-continental power which we've had no hints about really.
Because no one else has ever been shown making one.
Within the context of Fallout's universe, Zepplins in the post war world are creations of the WCBoS, and them alone. With no one else having the resources or know-how to make one.... at least one that works.
how long take F3 to finsih what i mean in "game years" bc, if my undestanding of what is explain from the dev is Fallout 4 star on 2277 oct, and fallout 3 was 2277 Aug when star, so i really dont see how Lyons Brotherhood make it to Boston dealing wiht the enclave and finishing the Super mutans after, i mean they will not leave DC after finishing the enclae they need to clean the Supur mutanst there.
probabbly is a new chap of the brotherhood.
I'm still not convinced at all of that fact. Even with Pete's statement (I think it was Pete). He's also not a dev, he's the PR guy and has no hand in the development of the game.
I'd still bet anything Fallout 4 takes place post-Fallout 3. Bethesda has even said before they're dead set on moving forward in the timeline. Even to the point of forcing Obsidian to set Fallout NV later than they originally planned to.
I guess if not then yeah, it would have to be someone other than Lyons.
Sure it is, that is how canon works in ALL series, period.
Until someone else is shown, or mentioned, to be in possession of a certain technology, they do not have it. No matter how old it may be.
Well, that never stopped the original exodus.
Same way I don't see Lyons' chapter scrapping their plans to rebuild a walking trump card in favor of an airship, mounting a trip upstate when it's probably safer to walk the short distance, and the ongoing civil war that's keeping them busy.
The MwBoS could be staging an expedition to Boston because they want to get the Android technology. Boom. You can now create resilient soldiers that can outnumber the seemingly overwhelming Legion. They do recruit machines after all.
I read the quote and I understand it now. It's still possible that the war is over four years later. It's still irrelevant to 2277 because we know for sure the civil war is still going on.
yeah Fallout NV star at 2281, if they set the game like 1 or 2 years after Fallout 3 Lyons Brotherhood is the one that have more reason to move to boston looking like they already where on a "crusade" before getting to DC and discovering how bad the situation was there.
I mean, he is doing his job by answering the questions on twitter. The guy himself has probably already played the game, so whether he's the PR guy or the janitor is meaningless when he has sampled the product. Part of being in PR is knowing about the product you're trying to sell to people :/
Who says they scrapped those plans? For all we know Liberty Prime 2.0 may show up in the finale act, dropped into the scene by the Prydwen.
Boston is 443 miles from D.C., its not a short distance, nor is it just "upstate".
And the civil was isn't keeping them busy, they haven't even had actual outright hostilities EVER that we know of. they are each just sitting in their forts, going "blegh I hate those guys!"
However, this is the same guy who self-confessed to not paying attention to dialogue at all. So I'm not really convinced he's 100% accurate about the start date.
Besides, IIRC he just answered with "200 years". Which could still be approximate.
Liberty Prime is probably going to take decades to fully rebuild. If it ever comes to fruition at all.
And generally if you're mounting a large scale military operation, you don't just take a leisurely stroll to your invasion. They have to bring logistical and, more pressingly, aerial support. I also wouldn't be surprised if that's Maxson's "personal transport" or somesuch.
If that's true I don't see how all that is the simplest conclusion compared to just ripping the airships out of tactics and giving them to the Eastern Brotherhood.
Like I said, we already have a precedent pretty much with the FO3 Enclave armor.
Doubt it, but we'll see. Whether he pays attention to dialogue is meaningless to a start date answer.
Yeah, but who says building an airship is as simple, though? It could take them months to do so, and quite frankly they're content with handing out water in the D.C., fending off the Outcasts, and rebuilding Liberty Prime. They've got the blueprints to at least build him with improvements. But, Lyons' group made the trek from the West Coast ALL the way to D.C. It's definitely a walk in the park for them. Plus, when you've got a fleet of vertibirds you essentially have the logistics right there for flying in servicemen. Why build an airship?
Chicago is farther, so a zeppelin is more appealing for that kind of travel. And the Outcasts are openly hostile to EC BoS members. They do fight each other when they get close to one another. Star Paladin Cross will go ham on Enclave members.
Liberty Prime getting dropped in by airship would be cool, but I doubt it.
This reminds me, if this WAS the MwBoS, one would expect to see their rather iconic armor.
Bethesda has shown they like the design, and have no real reason to throw it out. Yet none of the BoS soldiers in Fo4 have been seen wearing anything close to it.
And England is farther still, does that mean Tenpenny built a balloon and flew over the ocean?
Such an events never happens within the game actually. No BoS member wanders the wastes, and no Outcast patrol ever goes into D.C. It is impossible for the two groups to meet under normal gameplay.
Vertibirds are known to have low fuel capacity, and the airship appears to have a hanger of some sort on its underside.
The airship would be needed to transport the vertibirds to the Boston area.
I didn't say it was simple, only that rebuilding Liberty Prime may be a futile task.
You're all basing this off the state of the Brotherhood in Fallout 3. The Outcasts are likely no longer a problem anymore and my guess is that most of the Capital Wasteland by this point has fallen under the Brotherhood's direct or indirect rule. In addition, they've got whatever technology left over from the Enclave that they've undoubtedly been reverse engineering for several years.
I'm not saying its impossible that its the Midwest, only that it seems far more likely that its Lyons. I mean, why would the Midwest have any more of a reason to travel all the way to Boston? And why would they have a fleet of vertibirds?
Just to play devils advocate.
We DO see Vertibirds in the pre-war segment of the game, suggesting Boston was a test bed area for military prototypes, such as vertibirds, and the T-60 series PA.
They COULD have gotten them from Boston, but I don't think there would have been THAT many there, and it would mean the hanger looking thing on the underside of the airship was built only after they got to Boston, which would be odd to me.
yeah is kind of wierd, i just hope the explanation make sence, if Fallout 4 is set some years passing Fallout 3 i will be ok with Lyons Brotherhood if not it will take ALOT to explain why they just move from DC, looking how after the defeat of the Enclave they said they will be focus on taking out the Super Mutants that control most of the DC central area.
Well I'm guessing we could figure out a way to worm the vertibirds into the Midwest's control if we wanted to. But then again, isn't it more logical, and simpler, that its just the vertibirds captured from the Brotherhood's recent fight with the Enclave?
Ohh yes, I do agree on that.
I was just saying, they COULD have gotten the verts from Boston. But that would seem odd to me.
If look under the Airship there's a large gantry.
Perhaps they can land on there?
On-topic, almost certainly Lyon's BoS.
May be just me, but that link leads to a picture only visible by ants its so small. Though I know what pic it is by looking at it. They could possibly land there.
This pic from the initial reveal trailer seemingly shows the airships side being open, with what looks like some sort of hanger or something.(its in the are partially obscured by the trees)
Nah it was the pic of the Prydwen exploding, you get a side view of it. Not sure why you couldn't see the pic but it's the main one on the wikia for the Prydwen. Certainly large enough for people and, I would wager, Vertibirds,