Which Brotherhood will we meet?
Will it be the outgoing but battle-hardened East Coast, led by Elder or Sarah Lyons?
Will it be the militaristic and mildly despotic Midwestern Brotherhood?
Will it be the isolationist West Coast, set forth on a new expedition to find Old World Tech?
Could it even be the drawling, spitting, mutant burning Texas faction?
Who will it be? Who do you think it'll be? How do you feel about the Brotherhood in general?
For me, deciding whether or not to exterminate the Brotherhood in New Vegas was the most difficult choice in the game, after spending the third act of Fallout 3 as a Knight. Eventually, I realized that these were not the same kind of men and women I was used to fighting alongside, and saw that they would be a military threat after the Battle of the Dam, so I made the hard choice. But I still feel some guilt, because I know some of them knew or might even be related to my East Coast brethren.
But again... What about the rest of you?