Lucasarts declared the 'light'/'good' path canon, as in, it happened, and the dark/bad side choice did not happen even if you picked it, see what im getting at here?
As most of you know, both sides in Brink will have different storys that don't actually conflict with eachother, as in they are in a, different universe, you could say. As in, for example The resistance blow up the tower in the resistance story but in the security story it stays fine and the security blow up container city (as an example, not implying this actually happens).
So will there be a 'canon' story?
In my opinion, i do not think there will be a 'canon' story, and if there is no cannon story i think this will lead to a non direct sequel if there will be a sequel, as in there will not be Brink 2, instead something like bioshock infinite, as bioshock infinite does not have the same story 'universe' as bioshock 1 and 2.
If there is a canon story im betting on the resistance being canon.
What are your thoughts on this?