Which character should I do next?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:11 pm

So far I have a few characters planned out and I don't want to use them all in one character. I make a new character every time I hit level 50 so I'm around halfway there with my current character. Here's my planned ones:

-A Dunmer half mage/half assassin character. Does the College quests and the Dark Brotherhood quests and lives in the College.

-A Nord Crusader who only does good (destroys the Brotherhood and kills everyone in thieves guild, leaves the Companions alone) who uses Steel Plate Armor and Two-Handed weapons. Lives in Solitude.

-A Redguard/Wood Elf Hunter who lives in Whiterun and regularly goes out to hunt. Is part of the Companions and will be married to Aela.

-A High Elf Thalmor sympathizer, lives in Solitude. Joins the Imperials.

-A Nord Stormcloak, lives in Windhelm.
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