» Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:02 am
I thought medic wouldn't interesting, I don't see what main objectives they could have, and their main abilities seem to be about handing stuff out, which is fun if you're the strategic type who likes judging who needs it most, but I'm not.
Self healing could be handy for hit and run, as I could hit, run, self heal, hit,
If a firefight goes badly, I could SMART to a hiding place, wait till the enemy walks over my teams 'bodies, then chuck a lazarus nade down and distract the enmy while my comrades get up.
Thanks to the objective wheel I could run round supporting the other sneaky/flanky types, especially if they recce out a good spot to strike from, at which point I could get to them, give 'em a quick buff, then do some back-watching fire support while they drop in and and ambush.
In which case I could choose medic abilities to focus on those types of things, making even medic fun for me.