The first character is Magdalena, an Imperial guard sent up to keep an eye on Skyrim, what with rumors of civil unrest and dragons and whatnot. She's tagging along with you to seem less suspicious. Here's an example dialogue, bracketed sections being player dialogue options:
Really, though, had I stayed in Cyrodiil I'd have had a host of other things to complain about. Despite my promotion to Captain, I was still on general patrol duty.
Generally, once a guard is put on day watch, that's what they do until their retirement. It's very boring and nothing exciting ever happens.
Every once in a while there's a pickpocket, and I get to do the entire 'Stop right there, you criminal scum' routine, but they nearly always pay the fine or serve their sentence.
It was unfulfilling. I jumped at the chance to come to Skyrim. I'd visited Bruma before -- that's a little city near the Skyrim border -- and I thought I could handle the weather.
Well, better cold than bored. And believe me, you've brought nothing but excitement.
[So you find me exciting?]
[That's good to hear.]
[It wasn't my intention.]
Well, you can't deny that you attract trouble like honey attracts flies and bears. For you, it's mostly bears, though. Large angry ones.
Really, while I've become confident in your abilities to take care of yourself, I can't help but wonder how much trouble you got into before we met.
As much as fate seems to hate you, I'm amazed you haven't ended up on the chopping block. Luckily for me, you haven't, or you'd be dead already.
[Well, actually . . .]
Oh, no no no, really? No, don't tell me, I've decided I'm better off not knowing.
[Hahaha . . .]
Why've you got that grin on your face? Are . . are you laughing at me? What's so funny?
[Yes, lucky me.]
So you say, but your face tells me I'm missing something. What aren't you telling me?
Ahaha, you are impossible sometimes! You just keep that to yourself, then. You should be grateful that I'm as good-natured as I am.
In any case my friend, I vote we continue our journeys before I succumb to my confusion over your strange fortunes.
Generally, once a guard is put on day watch, that's what they do until their retirement. It's very boring and nothing exciting ever happens.
Every once in a while there's a pickpocket, and I get to do the entire 'Stop right there, you criminal scum' routine, but they nearly always pay the fine or serve their sentence.
It was unfulfilling. I jumped at the chance to come to Skyrim. I'd visited Bruma before -- that's a little city near the Skyrim border -- and I thought I could handle the weather.
Well, better cold than bored. And believe me, you've brought nothing but excitement.
[So you find me exciting?]
[That's good to hear.]
[It wasn't my intention.]
Well, you can't deny that you attract trouble like honey attracts flies and bears. For you, it's mostly bears, though. Large angry ones.
Really, while I've become confident in your abilities to take care of yourself, I can't help but wonder how much trouble you got into before we met.
As much as fate seems to hate you, I'm amazed you haven't ended up on the chopping block. Luckily for me, you haven't, or you'd be dead already.
[Well, actually . . .]
Oh, no no no, really? No, don't tell me, I've decided I'm better off not knowing.
[Hahaha . . .]
Why've you got that grin on your face? Are . . are you laughing at me? What's so funny?
[Yes, lucky me.]
So you say, but your face tells me I'm missing something. What aren't you telling me?
Ahaha, you are impossible sometimes! You just keep that to yourself, then. You should be grateful that I'm as good-natured as I am.
In any case my friend, I vote we continue our journeys before I succumb to my confusion over your strange fortunes.
The second character is a Bosmer smuggler, with a little bit more bite to her than the guard. Here's an example for her.
Oh, don't mind the jail cell I'm in. It's only a temporary arrangement; really, a complete misunderstanding.
[Why are you in prison?]
Oh, you know, the usual. Stepped on a few wrong toes, allegedly tried to bribe the wrong people. I may have bought a few items that I simply had no idea were illegal. Really, I've done nothing deserving of prison. These Imperials can be so unreasonable sometimes.
[Who are you?] Well, that's an existential question if I ever heard one. To answer the question intended though, my name is Elspeth, and I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades.
I don't suppose you'd be willing to help an innocent citizen out of an unjust imprisonment, would you? The guards just don't seem to like me very much and I have no idea why. Really.
[Probably because you're a criminal.]
Now, is that any way to talk to a lady? Not that I'm a lady of course, but it's hurtful to know you assumed otherwise.
[Stop being coy, I'm not stupid.]
No need to get cranky just because you're smarter than you look.
Either way, I believe you might suit my purposes just fine. Provided you aren't too lofty to get your hands dirty once in a while, my misfortune is a chance for you to make some coin.
[Why are you in prison?]
Oh, you know, the usual. Stepped on a few wrong toes, allegedly tried to bribe the wrong people. I may have bought a few items that I simply had no idea were illegal. Really, I've done nothing deserving of prison. These Imperials can be so unreasonable sometimes.
[Who are you?] Well, that's an existential question if I ever heard one. To answer the question intended though, my name is Elspeth, and I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades.
I don't suppose you'd be willing to help an innocent citizen out of an unjust imprisonment, would you? The guards just don't seem to like me very much and I have no idea why. Really.
[Probably because you're a criminal.]
Now, is that any way to talk to a lady? Not that I'm a lady of course, but it's hurtful to know you assumed otherwise.
[Stop being coy, I'm not stupid.]
No need to get cranky just because you're smarter than you look.
Either way, I believe you might suit my purposes just fine. Provided you aren't too lofty to get your hands dirty once in a while, my misfortune is a chance for you to make some coin.
Normally I'd choose the option I personally liked best, but I like both characters, and can't decide between them.
A thief character strikes me as a more useful companion than a straight combatant. Lock-picking is handy. And I don't know how I'd make my guard character react to, say, the player running around in the Dark Brotherhood. . . Despite that, the guard would be much, much easier for me to write dialogue for, and the wily criminal would be more difficult for me to voice. I realistically can't do both.
So, until Skyrim comes out, should I be writing dialogue for the guard or the criminal?