I voted Namira, Nocturnal, and Mehrunes Dagon.
Namira - I, too, have always felt a certain kinship with the "uglier" side of nature, to the extent that I appreciate their true beauty. Lizards, snakes, tarantulas, and other critters have always piqued my interest.
Nocturnal - I tend to wake up at around noon, and work until about 8 at night. I then procede to go about my daily routine until about 3 a.m. Ultimately, I spend alot of my free-time at night, and it's become a time of day that brings me peace. I don't do well in the heat of summer, so night also brings the blessed cooling off I've waited all day for.
Mehrunes Dagon - This fellow's simply been given a bad rap by one too many TES games, which present him as some sort of "ultimate evil" when Molag Bal is obviously far more dangerous. Being the patron of revolution and change, his sphere could encompass a great many things - both good and bad. In essence, Dagon is most threatening to those who are threatened by change - those in power, or those with great riches. To someone who has neither, Dagon could indeed seem like a worthy patron.
Mehrunes Dagon. I like mindless destruction

He's not "mindless". He's far more calculating than many people give him credit for.