» Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:16 am
I'd just like to let you guys know, I've moved down from Very Hard, hardcoe to Normal, hardcoe. It's not that it's to hard, it's just that everyone is too much of a bullet sponge. Since Obsidian Screwed over VATS and made it useless I can't get anymore long-range sniping shots like I could in FO3. That means I have to get up close and pump ammo into my targets. I say screw that. Normal, hardcoe is just as hard as Very Hard, it just uses a much more reasonable amount of ammo. I might move up to hard, who knows. All I can say is that I'm done with Very Hard unless they fix VATS to be accurate like in FO3. VATS is supposed to be an assisted targeting system. That idea fits well in an RPG; however, in New Vegas all it does it waste ammo.