Does survival differ much from very hard or is the only difference the slow healing?
I believe the player damage penalty is the same in both Very Hard and Survival difficulty that is players cause only 50% of their normal damage and I believe the enemy damage bonus is also the same in both difficulties, that is enemies cause twice as much damage compared to normal. Its the other factors such as slow periodic healing and more tougher legendary spawns.........
However, I could be wrong.......may be someone else can shed more light on this.
Sounds unrealistic to me, what kind of dog can survive 3 shots to the head from a .50 Cal?
Well this is a game, no one can handle .50 anti tank weapons.
If everything die in one .50 shoot, it feel like cheating.
Why don't you search console command to make enemies die in one shoot instead.
I play on survival.
I am very disappointed that the eat/drink/sleep "hardcoe" system available in FO3NV did not carry over to FO4.
The way the game is now, "Survival" mode is not about survival. It's just having all the stats of the player nerfed so that everyone else is a bullet sponge.
I play the game on "Survival" mode. Feel it is still way too easy. So much that I posted a thread about it to get a hardcoe Survival mode here;
Even after tweaks I made to the game and heavilly penalizing myself with rules I made for myself excluding about all support items. I really wished Survival mode was more, well, survival mode. I dont really agree with the bullet sponges though, still only takes a hand full of shots to take even the toughest enemies down and that is IF they see me first (and I only use pistols). Love the game, just want it to be a lot tougher.
Yeah some still don't know that we start really weak and become strong later in the survival, and think survival is 'that' bullet sponge.
Yeah right when I'm at lv 3, I face a lv 10+ mirelurk and feels like facing queen mirelurk in normal with .38 pipe gun. Maybe they can't past that point and want to become strong since the start.