» Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:32 pm
I don't mind any companion, but I don't really like the way it was implemented in most games where they're all acted like your subordinates, or 'shadows' if you will, who would just trail behind you mindlessly all the time (well except if you're a guild master or something). And for Skyrim personally, I'd rather to have most of them to behave like someone your equal, with their own things to mind (which is to say they're just these fellow adventurers, or someone who really just struggling to make ends meet the best way the could,) whose assistance to you is more situational in nature. Of course that you can increase your disposition, or somehow losing it (quarreling over loot shares, a grudge over your sudden decision to abandon them deep within a dungeon in a middle of nowhere, etc.) and eventually made them this random, recurring nemesis of yours is a nice thing to have. Nothing really "deep", but somewhat 'alive' and believable enough is just fine by me.
But I'm much more inclined to work alone though. That's just how I view my TES experience should be.