» Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:59 am
I liked all three DLC and I think they were much better than the Fallout 3 DLC with the exception of Point Lookout and Broken Steel. Honestly, I recommend you buy all three DLC, or buy two now, the rest later, since they are all great and all have a lot of content. To answer your first question, no you don't need any previous DLC to run Old World Blues, all it requires is the main game. To Help You Decide:
Dead Money- First DLC and it has the least bugs. It is a story driven DLC with a survival horror focus and it is meant for level 20+ characters. The Storyline is a good 5-6 hours to complete, 7 if you svck, and 8 if you want to find everything. The Speakers/ collar do present a challenge to the courier, however I found that they were easily overcome just like the Ghost People and the Holograms. One downside is that you are stripped of your weapons at the beginning and are forced to use the new weapons in the Sierra Madre. I found that the DLC is also personality driven, as you engage with different Characters such as Christine, Father Elijah, Dog/God, and Dean Domino. The Courier spends a lot of time dealing with these four characters as he/she discovers the dark history of the Sierra Madre. The DLC comes with 12 new weapons, 7 new regular perks with 4 companion perks and 6 unlockable perks. Oh, and you can bring like 30 gold bars that are worth 7000 caps each. My only problem with the DLC is you can't return to the Sierra Madre once you finally leave the casino. My rating for the DLC is 9/10. For more info, see: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Money
Honest Hearts- Second DLC with some minor flaws. It is an open world experience with a tribal and survivalist focus. The Storyline deals with Joshua Graham, aka the burned man, and Daniel, a New Canaanite Missionary who is helping a friendly tribe called the Sorrows. The courier must help these two men with their struggles against a tribe known as the White Legs. The Courier's decision in this DLC forever effects the fate of Zion National Park. The storyline feels somewhat rushed and it is about 2-4 hours. However, there are a few side quests and there are dozens of locations to explore in Zion. Honest Hearts is probably the most beautiful DLC and arguably the best graphics you will experience in Fallout New Vegas. The DLC comes with tons of new content and it is worth to get it just for the .45 guns. On the downside, there really isn't much to do in Zion after you finish the main quest, because, for whatever reason, the main characters leave Zion. My rating for the DLC is 8/10. For more info, see: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Honest_Hearts
Old World Blues- Third DLC with no major flaws, but a few bugs. This is probably the most complete DLC, as it has an awesome place to explore with over 30 locations and dozens of new enemies such as the roboscorpions. The DLC is a science driven DLC with a major focus on dark humor. There really isn't a story in the DLC except for the Courier trying to get his brain back, but there are plenty of things to do such as searching Big MT for holodisks for the Sink, finding new weapons, or fighting off Mobious' roboscorpions. I have put well over 12 hours in this DLC plus it gives you insight into other DLC such as Dead Money and Lonesome Road. The Sink was my favorite part of the DLC, since it is practically an upgradeable home base that has a lot of great features. The enemies are very tough and you will require many stimpacks and ammo because the vendors do not that much ammo or stimpacks. The locations are cool, the characters are funny, and the enemies are great. My rating for the DLC is 9.5/10. For more info, see: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Old_World_Blues
If you decide to purchase Old World Blues, then I recommend you also buy Dead Money because the stories somewhat intertwine.