» Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:19 pm
I say get Honest Hearts. Who knows what Lonesome Road will be like. It's so hyped up right now, it may not live to the hype. I was disapointed with Dead Money just "forced" myself through it. Glad I got it, but I have all of them so far. So if you can only pick one, I say HH. I liked the story, the world seemed big, bigger than OWB. HH actually feels like it's part of New Vegas and the Mojave, while OWB feels like Mothership Zeta or Operation Anchorage a bit, that it doesn't feel like you are in the current Fallout landscape.
OWB was ok, but repeating the same quest 3 or 6 or even 9 times to complete it, is not my kind of fun. The loot is great, but it just seemed it was missing something that HH had.