I admit the most 'jump scares' the game has given me has been with the charging feral ghouls. They can be in my face before I can even bring up VATS.
I admit the most 'jump scares' the game has given me has been with the charging feral ghouls. They can be in my face before I can even bring up VATS.
actually i know this will sound pathetic but i will said roaches and the baby miralucks why???? bc the new way they jump from roof or walls so u get surround sometimes and u never notice they where waiting on the walls or the roofs.
Deathclaws are great in this game, but I'd say I was most panicked the first time I encountered a new and improved Sentry. Those things lock on to you and run you down like like a steam engine. I was completely destroyed by the first couple I came across, then I learned I can just hide and wait for the fusion cores to become exposed.
This guys know what i'm talking about. You would almost expect these thing to walk up to you first and ask you if your Sarah Conner.
While I wouldn't use the term 'freaks me out', the enemy that usually provokes the strongest reaction would be the suicide supermutants with their mini-nukes. I hear the beep beep beep and I immediately hit sprint to get some distance and spin around to try to figure out where it's coming from.
Ghouls are still the scariest because of the way they can swarm out of nowhere. The Dunnwich quarry and the Witchcraft Museum are the two creepest places.
MacCready. I stole a paper weight, you don't need to shoot me in the face over it.
Feral Ghouls for these reasons:
1) Their charge - holy @#$%
2) Unlike deathclaws, they almost always come in packs
3) Mutants have their own personality. They come across as blatantly evil and superior and try to exert that on others. They still have "life" in them. Ferals have this lifeless presence about them - they're hallow shells of their former selves.
4) They can be hidden RIGHT. FREAKIN. NEXT. TO. YOU.
5) They often occur in close quarters.
6) How they slide down holes in ceilings. Sweet Jesus.
I'll agree with this whole heartedly. Just the other day, was scanning the streets through my scope and a see a super mutant just sitting on the sidewalk, looking around like a peaceful shrek. Made me hesitate to pop his skull like a balloon.
What they've done with ferals is phenomenal, definitely the scariest encounters I've had... especially when you think you've got the drop on one and his 15 buddies come rushing from every direction. Thank goodness for my high capacity, automatic, explosive pipe rifle.
As far as which one makes me fear the most death wise? Super mutant suiciders hands down. To hear that beep, beep, beep in a building or on the crowded streets of Boston is just nerve wracking. I panic and want to run, but then I'm worried I'll run right into them. I figure in the grand scheme of things, I'm still winning with a 60/40 split. It's very satisfying to catch one coming around a corner in vats... firing off with about 45% accuracy as they slowly close the gap.
A few times I got off a lucky hip fire and hit the bomb. Most of the time it's a close encounter of the nuclear kind... win or lose.
I love suicides, take them out without detonating the nuke and its a guaranteed mini nuke!
Legendary Alpha Deathclaws that oneshot you on full health with their weakest grab attack.
mosquitoes. I can't stand them in real life, let alone in fallout 4 where they are of enormous size and also svck blood out of you. Yuck. They creep me out the most when they are sitting silently on a wall.
Hahaha! I've shot my fair share of mannequins
I agree. I try to take them out as well. But the simple fact of the matter is that at least 75% of my characters deaths have been due to being caught in explosions whether suicide bombers, mutants with missile launchers, gunners throwing grenades with pinpoint accuracy, land mines or being too close to a car that was about to go critical. Hearing the beep of a suicide bomber or seeing that little red grenade symbol on my screen is what causes people in the other room to hear me exclaim, "Oh crap!" ... though usually what I say is less board friendly.
Ghouls are nothing compared to explosive wielding maniacs.
None of the enemies scares me. But the one thing in this game that freaked me out, was the firts time I came across one of those wind-up toy monkies with glowing eyes started to clap once I got near it..
Now I shoot them as soon as I see them..
Me too. I just love them, free nuke. 90% of the time they don't even know I'm there putting a bullet through their skull.
What freaks me the most is when I blow my cover and 2-3 legendarys are running towards me and I don't have the power armor. Good thing I rarely blow my cover. The bloat flies can be very annoying too, 5-6 of them at a time, so tiny that even in vats I have a hard time killing them.
Feral ghouls and such, most of them don't even get up from the floor when I snipe them in vats. Sneaking can keep you out from a lot of trouble, you ambush enemies and not the other way around, plus the sneak damage bonus.
Rabid mole rats.
I *HateHateHate* those sneaky little burrowing bastards.
Had my ass handed to me on a plate a couple of times by them popping up out of nowhere and surrounding me with their nasty little teeth.
Ghouls, hands down.
Nice list. #4 and #6 in particular. Yikes!
I still get freaked out by them. Who-ever come up with ghouls in this game should get a raise. Fantastic.
"What the hell are you doing out here, Fred? Fred, if you're real, you better tell me right now!"