While I voted for the BoS it is not without caveat. As constituted none of the factions stands a chance of reorganizing the Wastes.
The Outcasts are too small a group and appear to be doing no recruiting. They will wither unless they can reconnect with BoS factions in other parts of the country.
The Enclave
Spoiler has been decimated. With the president and the military commander dead, their headquarters and laboratories in ruins and their largest military base compromised they stand little chance of rising again.
Raiders and slavers are an impediment to reclaiming the wastes and in general are the antithesis to resocietization,
Mercenaries are a means and not the method. Unless a strong political force?
and there is no industrial/commercial complex?appears, they will be nothing more than better educated better organized raiders.
As for the local BoS faction under Elder Lyons, their only advantage is their social and political will. While they are actively recruiting it hasn't been shown that they are doing any more than stemming attrition. Unless they can either reconnect with other Brotherhood factions or take a more proactive socio-political position they will be relegated to a simply stabilizing and not reconstituting force.
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