He said the first tribes he encountered could not maintain weapons or had and knowledge on military tactics. You can't generalise 86 tribes from four or five in one region.
Even if they were able to maintain weapons and had military knowledge, they were still tribals, which means their tech level would have been inferior to the tech level of most settlements absorbed by the NCR.
Caesar doesn't shun technology, he has an auto-doc in his room. He is against the dependency.
A broken auto-doc that no one in the Legion has the technical expertise to fix. Caesar has no human doctors. The only person in the Legion camp with medical training is a woman, who was forced into slavery, wasting her talents. Plus they had no way of repairing the damaged artillery in their camp.
No, it's like how it was in the 1950s, not now.
California had a bigger population than Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah combined back in 1950. In fact, Southern California's population was about twice as large as the populations of the other four states combined in 1950 while it's only about 50% bigger today.
Then why are they in Camp McCarren? And then why is their General and the leader of the Rangers in the Mojave if they're no completely into the war, riddle me that!
Why wouldn't their general be in the Mojave? The NCR isn't fighting wars anywhere else. The United States has generals and a lot of troops and equipment in Afghanistan but that doesn't mean the US has committed its entire military force to that war.
No, they just said the Blackfoot tribe (which is the tribe that kidnapped Eddy, soon to be Caesar)
They're still tribals, which means other than the stuff they can scavenge, they have iron age technology at best.