I wonder if all the people [censored]ing about immersion have ever been to http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Easter_Eggs
I have, actually. Even more importantly, I've read the page completely. Have you?

With respect to "Easter Eggs", the word "subtle" comes to mind . . . some of the so-called "Easter Eggs" are so subtle that whether or not they're actually "Easter Eggs" has been debated quite passionately on this forum and the wiki. At the request of the wiki moderators, many of those references have been labeled "likely" or "possible" Easter Eggs because two related facts does not an Easter Egg make. After all, the mere fact there's a reference to, say, the "Black Hand" in Oblivion doesn't necessarily mean it's a reference an informal name of a real life assassination group.
And give credit to Bethesda: Immersion and TES Lore have ALWAYS taken precedence over Easter Eggs.
~ Dani ~