» Tue May 17, 2011 4:14 pm
Fallout 3.
I liked New Vegas, but there was really no need to play it once I'd tried all the different storylines. It was a good story, the world made a lot more sense than Fallout 3, and the cities were more lively and interesting. But the exploration element wasn't as good as Fallout 3, and the map design was rather tunnel-like, which was OK the first few times but made it much more repetitive. A shame, because the mechanics were honed and improved from Fallout 3, but I just didn't feel the same desire to wander, which Fallout 3 was really good at.
Fallout 1 I liked, I haven't played it all that much, I'm not really into the top down style RPGs, but it was a good game and much less flawed than it's sucessors. What it did, it did brilliantly.
Fallout 2 I cannot stand. Flintstones houses and forcefields (however technologically feasible ingame) made it feel too modernised, "edgy" "advlt" themes that came out ridiculous, and the constant fourth wall breaking jokes made it feel more like Monty Python more than Fallout. New Vegas did a much better job of the recovering society, in my opinion.
FO Tactics I own but have not played, BOS I would not touch with a ten foot rebar club.
Fallout 3, for all it's moronic issues with storytelling, gimped RPG elements, apparently deliberate squalor (people live in shacks right newxt to a perfectly good house) still had much more that was worthe exploring, and really did the urban wastelands well. To be honest, it was Oblivion with guns, and that was always going to be it's market, which I am part of.
I can't help but think the same sort of game could have been made as a new IP, without twisting the Fallout franchise into what Bethesda though would be fun.