Right im just going to go through your list and tell you what game has more of what in it:
- I'm a big fan of exploration. I LOVE to explore. I love the satisfaction of discovering a sweet lookout spot, an epic ruin, a hidden sword/piece of armor, or a new city that I've never explored before.
Morrowind wins this one. There is definatley alot of exploring, aswell as the map being much bigger. And there are more rewards in the dungeons aswell.- Relating to the last point, I like a big map with lots of things to discover in it.
Morrowind again is really big.- I want to be afraid to explore somewhere.
Oblivion wins this one. The lighting in cave systems does add a spooky effect. And now that monsters are more realistic and actually move and attack in different ways. It does add some suspense. I had to use a torch several times in oblivion and not once in morrowind. Also elytra scare the hell out of me.- I'm not BIG on combat, but I still enjoy it. I prefer the player skill as apposed to the character skill.
Oblivion and morrowind are polar opposites on this one. Oblivion is all about player skill, in fact if you have really fast reflexes you can pick a very hard lock on level 1. You can't do this in morrowind because everything in the game is dice roll, even the combat.- I enjoy playing thief/stealth classes as opposed to skillful warriors. I'd rather make money in alternate methods.
Oblivion wins this again. Because the dice roll combat along with the very horrid sneak controls in morrowind make this very difficult. You have much more control of your character in oblivion than in morrowind.- I like customization and being able to have a variety of different combinations of class, weapons, armors, skills, magic, etc.
This is in both. Morrowind has much more armor and weapons, spells, and abilitys. Oblivion doesn't have as much its just toned down a bit to make it more simplistic.- I want to be able to do my own thing. I don't want the game to tell me what to do or set out my character's story for me.
Both do this. I don't think either does it better than the other. Both set you out on a random task the minute you set foot in the world.- Healthy amount of factions to choose from.
Morrowind has many more factions than oblivion. But they are much less story structured and make you feel more like an errand boy at first. It takes awhile before you actually do something story related. For example the first quest of the thieves guild in Oblivion has you sneaking into imperial watch captains quarters and stealing a tax record collection that was tooken from the poor people of the water front. The first quest for the thieves guild in morrowind has you walking into a random store and taking diamonds off a shelf that no one is guarding 
- I like mounts (Oblivion obviously has them where as Morrowind doesn't)
Yes this is true but im afraid you may be disapointed. Oblivion's mounts aren't really that grand and you get the fastest one in the game by doing a quest. Making buying a horse pointless. - Not a big fan of reading, although I will obviously do it if it's important.
Morrowind is reading..... reading..... and more reading. You will get so tired of it that you will start reading the text outloud to entertain yourself.- Graphics need to be good. As I said, when I explore, I also enjoy finding places that are visually appealing.
Oblivions graphics are shiny and full of color and life. Morrowinds looks like that of an old N64 game.What I dislike:
- LINEAR GAMEPLAY. Just let me do what I want.
Again both are very open world like.- No reward in exploration.
Morrowind has alot of stuff waiting at the end of tunnels. In oblivion you can enchant pretty much anything you want so its a waste of time to explore.- Small maps
Morrowind is much bigger than oblivion hands down.- Limited customization
Again both kinda of have alot of customization.
- Not feeling emotion when I play (such as fear, excitement, etc.)
I felt alot of fear an excitment from killing trolls who were thumping towards me at a thousand miles an hour in oblivion. I can't say the same for morrowind.- "Go deliver this, go deliver this back, go deliver this back, OK - kill 5 of these things"
Some of the quests in morrowind are alot like this. Though theres more of them. And it does get better, just starts out bad.- Generic RPG creatures, gameplay, quests, etc. (Don't like WoW).
Don't really know if one is better than the other in this topic.- I don't want to be forced to be a melee character because the magic class is weak.
The mage class in really powerful under your control in oblivion. But its better in morrowind if you give the leveling up some time.- Not being able to sell stolen goods.
In Morrowind you can sell them to whomever as long as its not the store keeper you stole it from. In oblivion they must be fenced in the theives guild.- Poor graphics and views from high points on the map.
Oblivion definatley wins graphics.