Though the massive dungeons were quite...overwhelming at times. Personally, I liked what they did in MW more, but if they combined the best parts of DF and MW together, and have a good combat system, then I'd need so many new pairs of pants. Of course, add new tech. into the game, like physics engines and stuff.
Yes, I LOVED the massive dungeons, it was a pretty decent 3d dungeon map too. Helped. a. LOT.
Of course, what made a DEEP/HUGE dungeon possible was the ability to close a door & camp (I know...some of that archaic RPG stuff....) factoring your MEDICAL skill!
Good god, what happened?
All you Morrowind fans that feel Oblivion was 'dumbed down & shallowed', realize that the Daggerfall Players felt that same stab in the heart in 2002.