Great plan. let's all do this. Hit them in the wallet, or slightly to the left.
Yes, I stand the same as Absinthe. This is the first TES game I won't buy on a whim. I'm going to really have to watch it and see how it turns out.
Starforge is right. RPG players are usually very fanatic about our games, and that's because each series within the genre is so specific. There are so many different RPG systems that all have fanbases of their own because they didn't really like any other system. I LOVE TES's system because it represents a person's ability to grow and strengthen realistically, not by some ridiculous XP system based upon killing monsters. And I won't let some action seeking folks just walk in and make my beloved system ridiculously simple just so they can play a series that was never meant to be an action fighter (it has action, but that isn't its point).
Keeping true to the fanbase is important, and anyone who claims otherwise needs to take a good look at some companies like Sega (R.I.P Sonic, we'll miss you). As soon as you start trying to cater to everyone, you begin making everyone unhappy because of your terribly fickle game, that, and popular genre's change fast and often. You can't build your game series around such an unstable fanbase. The old fans are usually the gum on the bottom of your shoe. They don't come off and they're hard to get rid of, no matter what you do to them!