Even if Dark Souls is 200% better than expected, it will only be about 15% as awesome as Skyrim, and those are the only two games I'm REALLY looking forward to this year.
In fact if dark souls is realy 200% better than what i expect from it its going to be slightly better than what i expect of Skyrim. Demon's souls was an excelent game wich has the potential to build a franchise just as big as the elder scrolls and on top of that they decided to make dark even more for hardcoe gamers and to make it open world.
Nothing that I'm interested in. I've heard Witcher 2 or Deus Ex Human are supposed to be good, but I don't know much about them.
In my eyes Skyrim wins GOTY hands down. TES games always win, and with good reason. I really don't think anyone can stand up to TES anymore. Not the way Bioware's doing now.
I would never ask you of what games you want to be GOTY because you have the worst mentality possible. you say you dont know about 2 franchises that could compete the game and then you say that skyrim wins hand down even if you know nothing about the 2 other series. you guys all act like Skyrim is already awesome and when i look at that it makes me think of call of duty fan boys.
Skyrim isnt out yet we dont know if its going to be that awesome. for all we know bethesda could make mistakes like bioware did with Dragon Age 2.
I expect Skyrim to be the best game of the year but if some things mess up it might aswell be The Witcher 2 or Deus EX HR if i stay objective.