I think that almost no females play RPGs. i thought that the forums are the best place to check
I think that almost no females play RPGs. i thought that the forums are the best place to check
Females play RPG's, and no the forums aren't the best places to look.
But it would be mostly males that play, definitely.
Your going to be in for a bit of a surprise.
I also edited your poll so that people could not choose both genders.
Yup pretty sure the vast majority of them are dudes. Although i know some woman really love the elderscrolls series. Irl i know a few girls that liked playing skyrim too
The only thing this poll will tell you is which gender frequents internet forums more.
I'm female. And even though men are going to lead this poll by a landslide, CCNA is right: you'll find quite a lot of women here; definitely more than "almost no".
I play Skyrim and so does one of my sisters, but she is not on this forum.
Too bad you removed the option for both or I could have voted for her too
...But I understand some would pick both just because.
Female here, and I am expecting that poll to show a lot more. If not, they are all too busy doing other things.
I would say more Women play RPGs then play an FPS or RTS...
Contrary to popular belief, a Significant portion of the gaming Community are female.
I have no idea where the "women don't play games" BS originated from....
They could be asleep, it's 11 PM here. Scandinavians and British people are probably slowly leaving, so we're missing a few regulars.
Took the words from my mouth. There's many ladies of all ages that play RPG's, especially TES games, but I will bet money that males outnumber them by at least 5-1. The girl gamer is on the rise though which imo is a good thing...now only if the gods would smile upon me and send a lovely gamer gal my way
well the whole a/s/l deal may be a reason as why someone would want to be seclusive about their six
now there is not so many people around here in the forums anymore - would have been more accurate a year ago, i guess. especially in tes you meet quite a lot of women; it is not like that they point this out but rather mention it now and then - if you follow the forums for a while, you may find out
My ex played games more then i did,Sadly it was fps games and not rpgs D: But well,Fps games you can play together at least.
It originated from a guy spewing BS, of course. Most kids I know IRL tend to do that, because well, they're kids. For high schoolers, they're not as mature as they should be.
You're wrong. We are more common than people think. But as many have pointed out already, the guys are in majority.
All gamers rock Well maybe not,Idont like the hardcoe pro gamers that much
::wanders in to check on things after settling her mage and party in the Dalish camp::
Hm? Yes, females do play rpgs. You do know several of the mods here are female, right? The male vote will be higher, but there are many female players here.
If females don't play as much as males, it could be due to a stereotype issue associated with our culture. That's a bit of a bigger question than what you asked, though.
I always thought you'd actually find a higher proportion of women playing RPGs than other types of games, but then again I don't have any stats backing this up so...