Are both gourds and gourd blossoms? What about mutfruit vs. wild mutfruit? Is there somewhere that has a list of which items are plantable?
Are both gourds and gourd blossoms? What about mutfruit vs. wild mutfruit? Is there somewhere that has a list of which items are plantable?
Yes, but I've came across items such as carrot flowers and gourd blossoms, and didn't know if those were considered carrots and gourds, respectively, or if they're a different plant entirely. It's alright, though, I'll just go find all of the different variations, go to a workshop, then try and plant them, and find out. Or, check wikipedia, since I don't actually plant carrots or gourds. I just thought there may be somewhere to instantly find out.
If the visual model doesn't match the workshop model they are not plantable from the workshop. At least that is what I have noticed.
I'll just have to check the next time I collect the different ingredients. I don't recall what each of them looked like, precisely. Wild mutfruit can't be planted, but I'm unsure of carrot flowers and gourd blossoms.
the flowers and wild ingredients are used at the chemistry stations and cooking stations. Only carrots, corn, gourds, mutfruit, razorgrain, melons, and tatos are plantable.