» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:06 am
When playing Crysis 1 I expected two large teams to cooperate and focus on the objective of nuking the other teams base. What I got instead was a bunch of morons who treated it like Team Deathmatch but on a huge map with vehicles. In over 200 Power Struggle games I played, I can count on one hand the number of games where a team actually tried to produce a nuclear weapon. All the other games people were just working on their K/D ratios. It was a great, ambitious idea, but it ultimately failed to deliver what it set out to deliver in the first place.
HAHAHA this was exactly my experience in crysis 1. people driving away with 3 empty seats with screaming, raging teammates plodding behind, snipers camping halfway across the map with a gauss rifle and a 2-0 kill death ratio for the entire match. i would watch jeepfuls of my teammates literally drive past the objective points to go try to spawn camp the enemy base 2 kilometers away.
while power struggle could be a lot of fun and i am sad that crysis 2 is being dumbed down, it is probably a good thing in a sense.
truth be told, the average pc gamer isnt really any smarter or more tactical-minded than the average 360 or ps3 player no matter what we tell ourselves to fall asleep at night. i suppose we are usually a bit older, but even so the level of teamwork i've seen in bad company 2 and the call of duty games (after 4) is very comparable to consoles.
Oh Boy... Talking about badcompany 2... Does Battle for Hastings ring a bell? The Mission was for every platform to reach the amount of 69 million team actions to unlock a new map called Operation Hastings. Guess which one got the first place? When PC Reached 69 million team actions, xbox360 reached 32 million team actions and ps3 26 million. Some PC gamers might not be more smarter or tactical-minded or whatever, but PC gamers have much, much better teamwork atleast when it comes to Battlefield Franchise.