Which multiplayer is best? Crysis 1 or Crysis 2?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:50 pm

I will miss Prone, Powerstruggle, Big Maps, Vehicles and 32 Players Servers... What about you?
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:29 pm

I am not sure but I usually tend to choose quality over quantity. Crysis1 seems more of a mess by definition(that can be impressive fun, though). Crysis 2 seems to be potentially better for competitive gaming but I will need to play it more in order to to make some valid judgement.
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:06 am

Crysis 1 was on esl .So im sure u never played crysis wars by saying its a mess.Crysis 2 is a fun public game nothing else.There is no real aiming skill involved as there is minimal or no recoil at all in all weapons.You didnt care about recoil on the first cause it has vechicles which was the key to victory.Crysis 2 decided to go on small maps but crytek uk didnt manage to add the elements that make a close encounter shooter.These are flexible movement,recoil on weapons ,real strafing and mobility.Currently with the nanosuit being as its is ,its a game (excuse me for this word)for noobs
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:50 pm

A shooter that requires less aiming skill is probably a more interesting game. I think aiming alone is a primitive skill and you are going to be rewarded too much if you are good at that. A game should reward decent skills like mindgaming more. So a game shall make aiming as simple as possible so everyone can do that. I am not talking about recoil thogh, recoil adds depth to the weapon-usage.

If you pay attention how Crysis2 is designed you will notice all that. It is designed at a slower pace so you have more time to actually apply stratagies and mindgaming. It makes "Run and gun"-more difficult and thus less rewarding.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:50 pm

A shooter that requires less aiming skill is probably a more interesting game. I think aiming alone is a primitive skill and you are going to be rewarded too much if you are good at that. A game should reward decent skills like mindgaming more. So a game shall make aiming as simple as possible so everyone can do that. I am not talking about recoil thogh, recoil adds depth to the weapon-usage.

If you pay attention how Crysis2 is designed you will notice all that. It is designed at a slower pace so you have more time to actually apply stratagies and mindgaming. It makes "Run and gun"-more difficult and thus less rewarding.

You are playing an fps not an rts dont be confused.Of course learning to control your aim and handle the weapon is one of the basic features that define a competitive fps .Tactical and brainthinking exist also in a competitive game.No recoil means easy kills .In crysis 2 with scar you push down the fire button and not even one bullet goes up during firing from ads.This is just noobfriendly and nothing else.There is no recoil so you dont even learn how to handle the weapon cause u dont need to .Slower pace means more camping ,which means more easily get shot.Im not fun of gun and run game but when u put recoil to a weapon u cant run and gun at all .There is aboslutely no learning curve in this game.Its plain and poor gameplay.I played the demo and always ranked first .I play other games and never end up first.Where is the manouvre mechanism of the game.You run and when u get shot ,u stop running .That is called noob mechanism for ther other guy to get u cause he saw u first.You cant even hide or dodge his bullets.Its a situation who sees first who and nothing else.So crysis2 is not desgined for competitive gaming.Its designed for fun and public matches nothing else
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:14 am

Crysis 1 ofc. Unless you don't like to sneak to a tank in cloak mode and blow it up with c4 or to fly high tech vtols or to blow choppers up with a rocketlauncher or to watch beautiful nuclear explosions that hit the enemy base after having a 30 min long fight. If they had put ranks and unlockables Crysis multiplayer would have been one of the best multiplayers. Crysis 1 multiplayers has tons of more options than Crysis 2 multiplayer. If they just had developed it a bit more... but no. Now we get to shoot each other from the other sides of the map and just shoot everything that moves. Even the nanosuits look like straight out of halo. C2 mp is a joke, a bad 1, just the way the consoleros like it.
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Marine x
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:31 am

Crysis Wars is by far the best mp. Just play it then play C2 and see for yourself.
Once you play both, you will see there really is no need for a discussion.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:29 am

It does not necessarily mean much if you end up first here but not in other shooters. I don't think many people understand to play the game to some potential by now. We still know a **** about it. It is true that recoil adds depth to the gun-usage. I also felt the same about the lack of movement and stuff during gun-play, but I still cannot say it is a bad or a good thing. I am also not sure about the "noob mechanism". Actually you can make up your mind for a new concept. If it is rewarding to spot and enemy before he spots you then you should work out strategies to do so.

And that is a very interesting skill. I preferable played timesplitters 1 vs. 1 with one-shot-kills, it fully depended on that skill and it was already a thrilling and immersive experience there. And if this would be a random thing I would not end up to be the best in this type of matches. But I am just not sure how it works our for 6 vs 6 matches, also not sure tech-toys like nano-vision will kill or add to the depth in the end. It needs more playing to understand all the stuff.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:59 pm

:'( PS mode....

:'( Prone....

Crysis 2 is very nice.. but i cant see it going far competitivly like Wars or the first one did, as stated these were on ESL and for a good reason.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:27 am

It does not necessarily mean much if you end up first here but not in other shooters. I don't think many people understand to play the game to some potential by now. We still know a **** about it. It is true that recoil adds depth to the gun-usage. I also felt the same about the lack of movement and stuff during gun-play, but I still cannot say it is a bad or a good thing. I am also not sure about the "noob mechanism". Actually you can make up your mind for a new concept. If it is rewarding to spot and enemy before he spots you then you should work out strategies to do so.

And that is a very interesting skill. I preferable played timesplitters 1 vs. 1 with one-shot-kills, it fully depended on that skill and it was already a thrilling and immersive experience there. And if this would be a random thing I would not end up to be the best in this type of matches. But I am just not sure how it works our for 6 vs 6 matches, also not sure tech-toys like nano-vision will kill or add to the depth in the end. It needs more playing to understand all the stuff.

It is completely wrong to use an element of who spots first in a game that has random spawning.Most times i died was when an enemy spawned behind me after 2 secs.That is called poor design and its seen also on cod.If they were standard spawn points and spawn protect then i would gladly say that u can work that tecinque of who spots first wins.You are contradicting yourself though by saying that a game should have plain aiming and be more brainwise ,when u already suggest that a game with random spawning and an element who spots who first winz.Also i suggest you get a friend of yours and u start running and he shoots you and see how your sprinting an the ability to dodge disappears.Not to mention that when in armour you cant even strafe or dodge bullets and every encounter is based on armour.Invisible is poor technique also cause with nanovision u see all the invis in the map and their energy is not enough so they could last long when you shoot them.So they fall like with 2 shots.Another annoying thing is that when u get shot behind u are 2-3 shots without armour and its freaky pathetic.I dont say that you should survive the back attack but it didnt even gives u a chance to do a reflex shot and survive with low hp.Anyways crysis wars had its flows but it was much better as a game and much better as a whole concept.U needed true teamwork and true strategy thinking in order to push your opponent and get control of the map .Also the money system was 10 years ahead of the customize menu ****
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:04 pm

There are 6 Multiplayertypes in the Filtermenu and we can play a demo with 2 of them and maybe modder will make something like a "Crysis2 Retro Power Struggle Mod", but we don't know...
So wait and then you really can pick one...

But I can compare the Crysis demo and the Crysis 2 demo, the Crysis demo doesn't have a Multiplayer so the Crysis 2 demo Multiplayer is best. :D
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:57 pm

Fail comparison:> A mod if it comes it would be after 7-8 months since now .They already announced their sdk is gonna be released in summer,so the community probalby would already have moved to another game.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:56 am

You are contradicting yourself though by saying that a game should have plain aiming and be more brainwise twitch-based 1 vs 1 is pure brain how to move in your environment and zero about plain shooting, spawning-issues become obsolete in this case. It will certainly suffer and get spawning problems with more players so I am not sure how to judge it by now.

Another thing:
I wanted to train slide-kills in narrow corridors battles in hope that the player has a harder time to shoot me. It seems only to make sense when the spotting distance is something around 5 meters AND when you are already running in order to make sense, since you cannot pull that off instantly.
You can also not have armor in slide so I turn that on immediately after the slide is finished, what makes the the input and the whole deal overly complicated. Still not sure it was a good or bad design-decision but the resulting input-complication is certainly not a beautiful thing.
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James Rhead
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:29 pm

If you dont manage to pull enough damage under slide (which also drains energy ,for me ti shouldnt)then u are dead cause the other player has full energy bar and u semifull.So going on armour that time cant save you if the other player is already on armour.Also notice that many times u die even if the energy bar under armour mode isnt depleted.So basically armour cuts a percentage of your dmg and not whole of it which also is a bad thing cause you already have the siting duck penalty
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:06 am

Yeah, it also depends on the condition of your enemy but you make a small error of reasoning here: Because armor just cuts out a certain amount of damage it is not important my armor is full or semifull in a critical one on one stand-out-and fight situation, one of us is going down before the energy runs out anyway. It means slide-kills potentially make sense and add depth to your activities.

However, if armor would make you completely indestructible there would be less use to do slide-kills since the drained energy could be used for armor instead to keep you longer indestructible. So it would remove depth from play in this part. Just saying that things are not so simple as you might think on the first glance. You need to dedicate time to estimate the qualities of a system.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:34 am

Crysis Wars (competitive) > Crysis 2 (for noobs)
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:02 am

To address the recoil:

Crysis 2 is about moving the Nanosuit around, not your gun. If it had recoil, the game would only be friendly to hardcoe players. And if you haven't noticed, that doesn't seem to be Crytek's priority right now. Besides, I don't find any points in game where I would do worse or better with recoil. Shooting from a fairly long distance still barely ever hits the target.
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:40 pm

Seriously? We've only seen two of the six game modes and two maps, and you're already judging it against a full game?

Crysis 2 multiplayer will include six intense, action-fueled gameplay modes: Instant Action, Team Instant Action, Crash Site, Capture the Relay, Extraction and Assault, set across 12 maps in Crytek’s visually stunning recreation of the Big Apple. Players will advance through a deep progression system of 50 levels, earning a variety of upgrades along the way for weaponry and the Nanosuit itself, rewarding long-term players with tactical advantages that increase their speed, strength and stealth abilities even more.

Clearly we're all currently qualified to make the distinction now. /sarcasm

Guess DM and TDM aren't going to be too far apart. Crash site is KotH, so that maybe leaves Capture the Relay as Domination and Extraction as CtF? Looking forward to seeing what they have in mind for assault. Classic styled, objective-based assault game play (like Dystopia) would be outstanding.

Overall I like the feel of Crysis 2 gameplay better. Nano-suit functions make way more sense, and the modular aspect should make the gameplay more interesting once the community gets warmed into it. The focus on player movement is what sets the Crysis series apart, and they did a beautiful job. Just a matter of whether or not they have a game mode in there that can capture the feeling of Power Struggle to any degree.
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:36 pm

To address the recoil:

Crysis 2 is about moving the Nanosuit around, not your gun. If it had recoil, the game would only be friendly to hardcoe players. And if you haven't noticed, that doesn't seem to be Crytek's priority right now. Besides, I don't find any points in game where I would do worse or better with recoil. Shooting from a fairly long distance still barely ever hits the target.

I didnt say it should have massive recoil but it should have a little.There is a difference :>
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:59 pm

I'm with J-snake on this one the game feels more strategic and tactical than most shooters out there. Simpler controls leads to more focus on mind games vs execution, this holds true in every game genre but it's most apparent in fighting games, Virtua Fighter (simple 3 buttons and moves are 1/2 and a direction for the most part)is considered to be a higher level game than Tekken (5 buttons and moves are multiple directions and multiple button strings). Crysis 1 feels like 70% execution - 30% mind game, where as Crysis 2 feels closer to 40% execution - 60% mind game. To me it's all about out thinking an opponent instead of just merely out performing them and this is one of the few shooters that I feel really rewards that much like Team Fortress 2 and BF do.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:17 pm

A shooter that requires less aiming skill is probably a more interesting game. I think aiming alone is a primitive skill and you are going to be rewarded too much if you are good at that. A game should reward decent skills like mindgaming more. So a game shall make aiming as simple as possible so everyone can do that. I am not talking about recoil thogh, recoil adds depth to the weapon-usage.

If you pay attention how Crysis2 is designed you will notice all that. It is designed at a slower pace so you have more time to actually apply stratagies and mindgaming. It makes "Run and gun"-more difficult and thus less rewarding.

i agree, old school shooters are just frag fest, im not saying there is anything wrong with that , but really it gets old after a few decades... i like to use my head as well please not just my reflexes

from what i can see crysis2 might be better , the plan with crysis1 was good, but it failed to deliver

i still hope the full multiplayer will be more then just run a shoot, i love to get vehicles and such

as well i cant stand NON permanent unlocks/customization, there for crysis 2 wins anytime... lets just hope the upgrades dont turn already better players in to invincible super soldiers
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:20 pm

This is what I dont get Why would you guys want something exactly like the one from the previous crysis, if crysis war is the one you prefer then is there for you to play it, plus we dont know whats gonna be available on the final version of the multiplayer. Most people here are acting like this is some kind of representation of the final version even though that when u sign in the screen says: THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT THE FINAL VERSION lol I guess most people missed that .. I think both multiplayer versions are quite nice
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:56 pm

I prefer crysis 1, mainly because stealth wasn't OP there and in general the game was more balanced.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:33 am

Crysis 2 for sure.

I still have nightmares about Crysis 1 MP running at 15FPS with 32players on the map.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:01 am

From my experience playing the original Crysis MP and the PC demo for Crysis 2, I gotta say I enjoyed Crysis 2 more. But I think alot of that has to do with the fact that I got exactly what I expected. When I played Team Instant Action, I expected a frag fest and that's what I got. When I played Crash Site, I expected some people to rush right to the pods while others hung back and picked off enemies to clear out the site and that's what I got.

When playing Crysis 1 I expected two large teams to cooperate and focus on the objective of nuking the other teams base. What I got instead was a bunch of morons who treated it like Team Deathmatch but on a huge map with vehicles. In over 200 Power Struggle games I played, I can count on one hand the number of games where a team actually tried to produce a nuclear weapon. All the other games people were just working on their K/D ratios. It was a great, ambitious idea, but it ultimately failed to deliver what it set out to deliver in the first place.
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