not sure, but to me, you Longknife kind of remind me of Arcade a bit, not the Bachelor part, bu the witty-ends but cool enough to go with the flow without people saying "Icwutudidthar"
I usually tend to see all sides in account and favor in ways, seeing as I don't really favor just one faction, with some sarcasm involved I guess, so Raul? Courier?
I thought of Arcade. Maybe.

People who can see all sides and understand all viewpoints? I would think Raul, Marcus, Courier, Ulysses (just sees them all in a less positive light)...maybe a couple others...
he can't be unless he appreciates every faction's aspects and differences while suiting for an independence role.
Hmm? What does Longknife believe in? Is that the canon?
Longknife always seemed like the Courier from the DID threads.
I can understand all sides and factions, save for the BoS. Even the Legion; they seem to have an "the ends justify the means" style going on which, if you look at it, does appear to be working for them. The BoS is the only one I could never understand or support because they seemed counter-productive to their own Codex. They say tech in the wrong hands is dangerous, but instead of destroying the tech completely, they themselves insist on harnessing it. They learn how to repair and maintain it, they tried activating Helios ONE and they use their tech to wage war on others that have tech because they fear tech could start dangerous wars.....Wtf guys?
Blowing up the BoS for me wasn't so much a difficult decision because of who they are, but rather because I felt bad for Veronica. :sadvaultboy:
Personally I think House is the best choice, but ended up going Independent. I was aiming for a canon playthrough and tried to make the character reflect the canon Courier as best I could. Chose the SPECIAL based on dialog comments about the Courier from NPCs, chose the perks based on things that seemed to fit and chose the ending based on what I felt was the canon ending. Independent just felt right. Tied into the Courier's lack of a home, seemed like his second chance to build a nation (or second chance to destroy one via neglect), and it also had that feel of....theft, I suppose you could say. Stealing the 37 gold bars under Elijah's nose felt great; you felt like a badass because you could. In the same way, killing House made me feel like a badass; it was knowing that just like that, through pure luck, I was able to take over the Mojave and strike down three armies.

Styles should be President Kimball, I think.