What's so bad about a service that renders physical media obsolete, lets you chat with friends both in and out of game, lets you browse the friggin' internet ingame, and all that other cool stuff?
As this person and the one right before him/her both pretty much asked the same thing:
1) I'm not much of a PC gamer. I'm an IT guy who's on the computer 99% of the day anyway. I multitask like a fiend, and I like keeping it to mIRC, CMUD, 2-3 different IM programs, web-browsing, email and more. I only generally get games on PC if they don't come out for the 360.
2) As I already listed, I like the far-larger TV screen that's right next to my computer. So I get an amazing view for the game, and i can turn my head and browse/etc anything I care to for the game anyway without hiding the screen/window
3) Steam is annoying. It was annoying to install JUST to install Civ V. It's annoying to have to have it come up for everything. It's EXTREMELY aggravating, when once a week it does some steam-update and STEAM LOCKS UP. I find it idiotic that if I tell it to start up OFFLINE and NOT UPDATE. It still does. I find it annoying to get those idiotic ads every time I have to restart steam because steam f's itself up. Oh, and by the way, while I may not have a custom-built gaming-beast of a computer, it can more than easily run Civ V maxed-out for graphics with DivX 10/11. So steam crashing out on me is hardly due to my computer. And just to get some stats out of the way. Vista 64, quad-core AMD Phenom II.
4) I actually like physical media. I like putting a disk in, and having it install quickly and easily, or just run right from the disk. Putting in the disk, having it take nearly an hour to install all the steam-bases crap, BEFORE it goes to the WEB to download the game even though I have the disk in the drive is just moronic.
5) DLC: 360 has DLC also. It also updates automatically.. GASP.. Just like Steam.. OH NO.. Steam isn't unique. whoop-de-f'ing-do.
While no, not all of those reasons are distinctly anti-Steam, it does cover the problems I've had with it and the aggravation I've had with it. Steam is hardly the be-all-end-all of gaming. It's an added step or more to things I want to do. I have no interest in it, I don't want it. and I dislike being 'forced' to use something to be able to enjoy something I might like.
There are only 2 things IMO that PC gaming has on console gaming
1) Mods. YES.. you can f' around a lot more with pc-code than with console. Perhaps eventually if I see enough that I like for mods, I'll go buy the PC version. Right now I don't plan on it. There's plenty of other things coming out to put my money towards. Also, I rarely bother with mods. while some can be amazing, it's usually like a needle in a haystack to get through the horrible ones.
2) KB+Mouse vs controller: Yes, overall you can technically do more with a KB+Mouse. considering I tend to type closer to 100wpm, I know full-well just how much more can be done with a keyboard. Most games really don't need it. FPS, perhaps, but most fps bores me. the Fallout series, is thankfully, NOT an FPS. YES it uses that viewpoint and it CAN be done that way (which I was initially VERY suspicious of with FO3.). But Fallout is an RPG game. That's why I like it, that's why I'm addicted to it. And it's a pleasure having a real RPG on consoles, like Fallout, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls (Oblivion, Morrowind, etc). .. (and no, to me, Final Fantasy isn't an RPG). As i stated before, I'm generally on a computer kb+mouse through probably 90% of my waking hours. I like taking a break and using a controller. It doesn't hurt the game in the least.