Out of all the NPCs in New Vegas and it's DLC, which one did you find to be the most compelling, have the best story to, and overall enjoy actually doing quests for // with.
I'll start off, and for me it's Christine from Dead Money. For me, it's probably this because i'm a huge fan of the Brotherhood of Steel, and going into Sierra Madre, I was not at all expecting anything to do with the Brotherhood, or with backstory i'd already gotten from Veronica. When I first saw "Elijah", I thought it was awesome that this was a continuation, but when I met Christine in the game, and then learned this was the same girl Veronica was talking about, it blew my mind. Even though the DLC wasn't really long, I felt going through all the charades to make her feel more like a real character. Even more so, once she starts warming up to you, and it actually shows. To me she just held the entire DLC together, and it was awesome to get the rest of the BoS story that Veronica had brought up.
So, what about you?