Hi everyone. has any one else ever thought about which weapon is more powerful besides me? Ive used the kvolt before with rapid fire 3 its beast but im wondering if the mike is more powerful in terms of auccracy/ fire rate. post which one you think is more powerful describing why you think the kvolt is more powerful or why the mike is more powerful. The mike seems more powerful with rapid fire why is that well if u use rapid fire and ads with it and if ur very auccrate u cn kill 5 to 6 ppl in a clip.
5 to 6 people really? The K-Volt is pretty underpowered considering the feline beats it in every way but the K-Volt is much cooler in my opinion, from what I've heard the Mike is useless but I think I'll try it out now.
Yeh plus it has more ammo the only thing is if ur using it you have to be good at conserving ur ammo its key for making the mike very effective. I use nano recharge lvl 2 stealth enhance lvl 3 with rapid fire lvl 1 I think its beast but thts just my opinion.
x-mike is superior , you need to be close catch em off guard and let loose , k-volt i find inaccurate and underpowered , plus the slow reload for the clip doesnt help . i use x-mike to win instant action matches .
I knew it the kvolt does svck compared to the x mike I just could never tell I have yet to test it with rapid fire lvl 3. Blood hve u used the mike with rapid fire lvl3?
i only use rapid fire with marshall and majestic hammer benefits from it too. i dont think the x-mike needs rapid fire , if your accurate ans quick off the draw you should be fine . as for the k-volt i dont enjoy playing with it , the amount of deaths i have from that gun are ridiculous !!!!!!!!
The kvolt is beast with reflex sight extended mags with these perks
nano recharge lvl 2
stealth enhance lvl 3
Rapid fire lvl 3
Trust me ive used this and I kill ppl in like 3 to 4 shots when I finishing 4 shots ppl go down in 2 seconds I dont use it tht much but when I do im beast