I'm making this thread for several reasons. Firstly because I've recently got back into playing and modding Morrowind and I'm thinking of starting a new mod, and secondly because MW has such a great community and I don't feel like I've ever got that involved with it, despite the many mods I've released! So I thought I'd make more of an effort to post on the forums

So, which of these ideas sounds best to you?
1) Update some old mods (in my sig)
I like to think I do this quite a lot already - I always try and get all my old mods up to a reasonable standard before working on a new one. However, I have a list of all the potential improvements I can make to my old mods, and working through that list is certainly an option (albeit a less interesting one).
2) Murder in Sunshine Cottage
A murder mystery where you play the detective! I plan to make this nice and puzzling, with optional hints, all based around a new house in Pelagiad.
3) Clear Your Name
Enables you to sneak into the Hall of Justice and erase your name from the records, effectively removing any bounty you have and therefore clearing your own name, rather than having to go through the guards or the Thieves' Guild.
4) Royal Signet Ring - Nerfed
I couldn't actually find a mod that did this, but basically I plan lots of variations on this ring that are a lot less... game-breaking. I'll give Helseth an ability so he remains just as powerful as before, though.
5) Cult of the Io
Adds a secret undergroud cult that you can join... if you dare. This will be very dark and mysterious, involving lots of (hopefully) interesting characters and a rather sinister plot.
I could go on, I have a whole list of ideas, but I think that will do for now! Please refrain from stealing any of these ideas

So, what do you think?
- Danjb