Being from Saudi, I'd probably be a Redguard or possibly an Imperial.
Probably Breton, if only because I am an acedemic mind, not a warrior mind.
Argonian, if the Mesoamerican thing extends beyond an aesthetic level.
Otherwise Imperial. Y'know, before Oblivion.
I would be a Milk Drinking Nordic, Orc, Breton, and Bosmer heritage. The milk would be fortified with large amounts of mead.
Maybe I'm some hairless Khajiit that you'll see in the next game. Hah.
I always lived in either really hilly areas or some place near rivers, creeks, or swamps. So either Orc or Argonian.
Aryan German ancestors, so I guess Nord-ish. Short, over-weight, balding Nord. Total milk drinker also.
Breton, because I'm from Great Britain.
I suppose most people don't have such a neat ES equivalent. Who, for example, are eastern Europeans to identify with? Or Spaniards? Or East Asians?
Kothringi - a silver-skinned tribal people indigenous to Black Marsh. Once considered the only humans native to Tamriel.
I hope I'd get to be either a Dark or High Elf.
If we're going off of our real life ethnicity, then I'm a Nord. If it's based off of our personality, then I would be a Dunmer (except the acceptance of slavery part). I'm not going to lie, if I found myself in a world like Tamriel I imagine I would probably have the same outlook as the Dunmer. I find that they have an odd combination of Stoic, yet passionate personalities that I think best sums up my own.
(Irish, French, German, Welsh, Scottish, and Norwegian that I know of with a bit of Native American)
What compares best between the TES universe and myself.
Personality: Dunmer
Physique: Altmer
Nationality/Background: Imperial/Colovian
Homeland: Summerset Isles