Which race best fits the lore...

Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:48 pm

As a Lore geek I dont see a choice that as prophecies ain't 100% but then as we know all the Nerevarines have been "warriors" it could be that of a choice.

But I would rather say: Choice the class and race that you feel like playing and alter the world or Nirn as you like with that charactar.

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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:53 am

My first character was an Argonian...I laughed so hard when I found out I would be the Nerevarine. Though the whole part about driving out the outlanders could simply be wishful thinking on the part of nationalistic Dunmer. Because the world is ironic I think a beast race would be a fitting Nerevarine.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:23 pm

one could say it was never planned that an argonian or khajiit could be the nerevarine, as those two races weren't meant as a player's choice through most of the development.
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:39 pm

one could say it was never planned that an argonian or khajiit could be the nerevarine, as those two races weren't meant as a player's choice through most of the development.

Good point, I'd forgotten that.

Re: the Nerevarine driving the outlanders from Morrowind - if I remember correctly, that's mainly an Ashlander belief. I don't recall if it's in any of the formal prophecies, but most of those are passed down between generations of Wise Women anyway, and vulnerable to distortion over time. Besides, the Prophecies seem quite vague regarding the Nerevarine's role after the death of Dagoth Ur, like "His mercy frees the cursed false gods" from "The Seven Visions" - maybe wishful thinking on the part of those who recorded them.
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:51 am

The role of the Nerevarine is much like the role of Messiah. If I'm not mistaken, the messiah was originally a "spiritual saviour", but by the time that Jesus dude came around, the messiah had turned into someone who, due to the Roman occupation, had a much more "violent" role, and was to drive the Romans away and give back the country to the Jews.

I think it is the same for the Ashlanders - they've been opressed for so long that their "national hero" and last, desperate hope, the Nerevarine, has also been imposed upon with the "driving out" attributes. Not only "outlanders", though, but House culture as well. Thus, the Nerevarine is supposed to give the land back to the Ashlanders, who in many cases had been forced away from their old grounds and into the more hostile, barren and desolate areas of Vvardenfell.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:54 am

I always play as a beast race, at first because I just thought they looked cool, and I also thoguth of a backstory, escaping from slavery and help freeing other slaves. But then when I found out my character was going to be the nerevarine, I thought it would be even more epic. Saving the dunmer and everyone in Morrowind, and then he/she would be in more of a position to help free the slaves. This is just what I imagined my character doing, and if I remember correctly wasn't argonian and khajiit slavery abolished in Morrowind when Oblivion came out? I thought it fit in well with my own character XD

So in my opinion the beast races would be best xP
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:23 am

The role of the Nerevarine is much like the role of Messiah. If I'm not mistaken, the messiah was originally a "spiritual saviour", but by the time that Jesus dude came around, the messiah had turned into someone who, due to the Roman occupation, had a much more "violent" role, and was to drive the Romans away and give back the country to the Jews.

I think it is the same for the Ashlanders - they've been opressed for so long that their "national hero" and last, desperate hope, the Nerevarine, has also been imposed upon with the "driving out" attributes. Not only "outlanders", though, but House culture as well. Thus, the Nerevarine is supposed to give the land back to the Ashlanders, who in many cases had been forced away from their old grounds and into the more hostile, barren and desolate areas of Vvardenfell.

I noticed these similarities as well. The Nerevarine seems very much a messiah figure.
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