I consistently use Redguards but have found that some questlines, such as the Mages and Thieves Guild guestlines, take a bit more time to complete properly . Which race is the best for being an all around champion?
I consistently use Redguards but have found that some questlines, such as the Mages and Thieves Guild guestlines, take a bit more time to complete properly . Which race is the best for being an all around champion?
Argonian because everyone knows they are the master race. Even the lore says Argonians are good jack of all trades
Don't see how you had trouble doing the guilds as a Redguard. Any race can be just about anything they want. Hell, the College of Winterhold is mostly dungeon crawling anyway.
I just meant that each race stereotypically has strong suits and some people have preferences. To rephrase my post, I should have said something like "What races do you prefer to play with to go with each play style" because as I think about it that's really all I was getting at
Like I said, Argonians. The lore says that they are dextrous enough to be good warriors or thieves, and they are naturally attuned to magic so it is easy for them to use magic.
?What an odd question. Both because race has no bearing on a hero, and because there isn't a perfect hero. People like myself prefer heroes that are flawed.
In all of TES, I have never played created an Argonian, Khajiit, Redgard or Orc.
As of the past year, I have not played as created anything but an Imperial. I will now and forever create only Imperials.
Good point, heroes need to have weaknesses. And also, I have never really played as Argonians much, if I want to use a lot of stealth I always like the Khajiit
Perfect is up to the individual, not the race.
Though if I must indulge, than Altmer or Dunmer, as they have much longer life-spans. Bosmer also.
I agree the more I hear it. I will say, I have flirted with the idea of a Dunmer as the best well rounded warrior because of the skillset and descriptions of using the bow , sword and magic well
Lich master race.
What are you doing out here you traitor? Shouldn't you be in Apocrypha? Herma Mora gives you good broadband connection from his forbidden servers?
the Beast races make for a good "Unlikely Hero" type character,
Imperial or Nord I see as the classic Stereotype hero.
I'd say Imperial if you're trying to go the "Mr. Perfect" route, who is morally just, great looking (at least to most society which is Humans), and good at everything He does.
A lich is not more a race then a vampire or any other undead creature. A lich is a result of a transformation, as a powerful magican or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality.
I think his point was that mer being perfect heroes because of the long lifespan is irrelevant because dragon priests are nords and they outlived an elf. But your point still stands because vampires also outlive normal elves regardless of their race so the race is still completely irrelevant in the whole "perfect hero" concept. Also dragonpriests are now dead since the Dragonborn killed them all so there may be someone who outlived them.
There was a dragon priest called michaelpk?
Oh, is that kind of like when Morokei introduces himself as Steve?
Indeed. We have surpassed the mortal definiton of "race". Who we were is irrelevant. For we are superior to fleshy creatures and their short lived imprisoned lives, slave to Arkay's cruel law.
Your avatar, is Miraak holding earth or something? lol
You should do a Miraak 2.0 role-play. http://i.imgur.com/umff3JI.jpg
You mantle him after absorbing his soul. The first and last Dragonborn. Use the restoration glitch to get infinite shout cool-downs. Shout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3a-wAWq_Ow Summon Seekers.