Which race fits the bill?

Post » Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:58 pm

So I'm going to start a new character... I have a problem... I think I'm developing restartitus... but that's besides the point. This character is going to be a dark character, not necessarily evil, but will likely do evil things. He seeks to reach "God" (daedric prince/lord) status. (Like Talos... please, no debates on that... just an example). He believes the daedric princes have become to weak, and seeks to be the Gods of Gods, the daedric prince of power and rule. He will likely seek to go against daedric lords by gaining their trust and artifacts, then disposing of the artifacts to display his disrespect and dissatisfaction. He will also seek immense power and maybe immortality. Also, he will not go mindlessly killing mortals, but he respects them even less than daedric princes, so if any of them so much as insult him or stand in his way, they'll end up dead.

anyway, I'm having trouble picking a race that would fit the bill. So far I'm leaning towards Dark Elves, and here's why. Though they show the most support and worship to the Daedric Lords they're still the under-dogs of Tamriel and their homeland has been decimated. If I go down this road then he would have a huge disrespect for his kin because even though they do not receive much support from the Daedric lords they still show endless devotion.

Any more ideas for gameplay, and background would also be appreciated.

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Post » Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:01 pm

I'm going with the Dunmer as well. I immediately thought of them as I continued to read.
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Post » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:45 pm

A Dunmer or Altmer could fit this bill easily.

Dunmer for the Daedra forsaking his kind. Altmer for the Aedra forsaking his kind.

It makes more sense to me for a Mer to seek God-hood, in opposition[and possibly inspiration] to Talos.

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Ria dell
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Post » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:12 pm

Go with a Dunmer. He realises that Vivec and co are the way to go. Real power on Nirn. :)

A great thing to do would be to wipe out worshipers of the Reclamations: Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala.
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